* Denver Broncos and John Elway Replace Tebow: From KGOV.com/tebow-records: "John Elway and the Broncos front office decided out with the new and in with the old. Best wishes to Peyton Manning but our sports viewing loyalty will follow Tim Tebow. UPDATE: Denver radio host offers $500 for two NY Jets tickets for any regular season game Tebow is expected to play in."
* Jimmy Carter Learns No Lessons from the Bible: President Carter's new book, NIV Lessons from Life Bible, demonstrates that he's never learned anything about the Bible but only knows the politically correct clichés.
* HuffPo Readers Want Recreational Marijuana: The Huffington Post Denver has launched a brand new debate forum getting pro-pot Colorado attorney Robert Corry to oppose Bob Enyart who was was invited to answer the question: Should Marijuana Be Legalized For Recreational Use? With more than [update: 2,700] comments so far, the aggressively anti-Bible, liberal HuffPo readership has ranked itself as 97% pro-legalizing recreational pot. This reader's comment, from Emily Brown, is typical:
“they should get someone who isn't a pastor to argue against it. because hearing about how smoking pot is going "lead me away" from God just automatically makes me want to vomit. God has nothing to do with me getting high. and if anything, i find myself closer to any God that does exist when I am stoned!” -Ms. Brown
While we're not sure where Emily got her "lead me away" excerpt from, we believe that to be true, and ask for folks to pray for Emily! -The KGOV Staff
* Huffington Post Denver Says "Bob Enyart has changed the most minds." While the vast majority of HuffPo readers want pot, the online paper's new debate forum is designed to determine who has changed the most minds. After 2,700 comments, the forum says, "1% more [now] disagrees" with decriminalization after reading the two sides.
UPDATE - Looks like HuffPot readers skew debate results: Now Corry changed more minds. We guess that this was an intentional skewering :) because after 2,700 comments, HuffPo indicated that Enyart's argument changed more minds (which wouldn't sit well with those who defend stoners like Emily). So during the brief time it took for the commets to increase only by 40, well established percent of undecided (before reading the debate) suddenly increased suggesting that some email list was activated asking potheads to vote "undecided" and then vote for legalization. To their credit though, they were able to follow those instructions!
* Debate Update: Bob has posted in Round Four of the debate with popular atheist AronRa on the British website League of Reason.
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