League of Reason's AronRa in Round Two

Soft-tissue from a T. rex* Bob and Fred on the League of Reason Debate: The RSR co-hosts talk about Bob's written creation/evolution debate with AronRa and the League of Reason's Soft Tissue Deniers. (See the photo from an actual T. rex at the right, an image of a biofilm below, and the great two-minute video below.) The tissue deniers are both fearful of and willingly ignorant of the many recent peer-reviewed journal reports confirming five soft-tissue dinosaur finds!

* AronRa's Statistics: Hear about Aron criticizing Bob for using the same number of U.S. doctors (34%), from the same study that 'Ra used (Finkelstein's), of those who prefer intelligent design over evolution! And then there's that completely fabricated 99.86% stat that atheists have been claiming for years...

* And Then There's Lord Kelvin Himself: Check him out on RSF's KGOV.com/fathers-of-science#kelvin!

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