Nick Brittin is Back

* Nick is Back! After 13 years Bob Enyart and Nick Brittin come together again on the air talking through their different worldviews. Those who watch BEL on Denver TV on the weekends (or on their DVD players anytime) saw Nick in studio from when he was 18 years old. Today, we heard an older but wiser Nick, and an older and hopefully wiser Bob. Look for Part 2, the conclusion of today's discussion on Friday! In the meantime, here are a few clichés that Nick and Bob enjoyed addressing:

Atheist Clichés Disproved in 8 Seconds or less!

Atheist Cliché 1: There is no truth!
Theist Rebuttal: Is that true? [1 second]

Atheist Cliché 2: There are no absolutes!
Theist Rebuttal: Absolutely? [1 second]

Atheist Cliché 3: Only your five senses provide real knowledge!
Theist Rebuttal: Says which of the five? [2 seconds]

Atheist Cliché 4: Only the physical realm is real!
Theist Rebuttal: That claim itself is not physical, so it's self refuting. [3 seconds]

(For six more clichés, click on over to

* Personhood is the most important human rights movement of your lifetime. Will you be one who fights to end the systematic dehumanization and murder of an entire class of citizen? If you live in any state in America, you can advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways. If you live in Colorado join by calling or e-mailing Personhood Colorado or Colorado Right to Life.

* Today’s Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart’s entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!

 It’s Up to You, New York:For years Bob Enyart Live has maintained a position that while locking up more and more criminals would lead to a temporary reduction in crime rates, it would ultimately fail to end the crime epidemic. Now the jail terms are ending, a new generation of criminals is coming of age and the epidemic is returning to The City.

* A Czar is Born:Seconding the notion of Michelle Obama regarding the birthplace America’s 44th president is one James Orengo, Kenyan member of parliament. He feels America had a real “kum-ba-ya “moment in the 2008 election of Barry Hussein and even though we’re not all born in the same land can’t we all just get along.

* Freshly Fertilized: It’s no surprise when ABC reporters, NARAL mouth pieces and Planned Parenthood organs use dehumanizing terms for the tiniest boys and girls. Personhood advocates have lambasted them for their use of terms like “fertilized egg”, so now they’re saying we want to give rights to “freshly fertilized eggs”, (thinking that this makes the Personhood argument even that much more ridiculous). But it is comments from so called pro-life organizations regarding Personhood and recent abortion regulations that receive the bulk of Bob’s, and co-host Doug McBurney’s ire.

* PETA Principle:While PETA implicitly supports legalized abortion, they draw the line at making elephants uncomfortable in any way.

Personhood is the most important human rights movement of your lifetime. Will you be one who fights to end the systematic dehumanization and murder of an entire class of citizen? Or will you stay in your comfort zone? If you live in any state in America, you can advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways. If you live in Colorado join by calling or e-mailing Personhood Colorado or Colorado Right to Life.

Today’s Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart’s entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!