Count Dracula's Notre Dame Speech

* Fighting Irish Surrender: on the historic day of May 17, 2009, it became obvious to all who love God and seek to prevent the slaughter of the innocent that the Notre Dame family has surrendered its opposition to child killers and now openly honors those who intentionally kill the unborn. The blood is upon their hands. Bob Enyart also presents Carbolic Smoke's report (below) of yesterday's commencement address in South Bend Indiana. And Leslie Hanks, vice president of Colorado RTL, gives her firsthand account of the extraordinary efforts by pro-lifers at Notre Dame.

* Count Dracula's Notre Dame Speech: calls for both sides to "stop demonizing each other" CarbolicSmoke: SOUTH BEND, Indiana - Count Dracula met his critics head on and defended his centuries-long practices of Satanic rituals, brutal murders and other acts of unfathomable evil in a commencement address at America's leading Roman Catholic university that implored the graduating class to "stop reducing those whose conduct you oppose to mere caricatures - both sides must stop demonizing each other." The Transylvanian vampire's appearance at Notre Dame has been marred by controversy since it was announced three months ago, with critics charging that the Count's lifestyle is repugnant to the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Count did not provide an explanation for his murderous ways but merely said that "persons of goodwill can, and do, often disagree." He called for both sides to work for common ground.  "Let's work together to reduce the number of necks I bite," he said to a thunderous ovation. The Rev. John Jenkins, Notre Dame's president, praised Dracula as someone who is not afraid to speak to those who disagree with him.  Jenkens' comments were dismissed by some who said he had been hypnotized by the famous vampire and deprived of his free will. Notre Dame agreed to the request of Count Dracula's advance team to cover up all religious symbols when the Count spoke.  "Count Dracula's request shouldn't be considered in any sense a slur against the Catholic Church," Rev. Jenkins explained. "It's just that, being undead and all that, religious symbols could  kill him."

Today's Resource: Order Bob Enyart's Plot Bible seminars on five CDs for only $99.99 and save! Now, you can listen to all five of Bob Enyart's The Plot Bible Study Albums on CD for a low price of $99.99! If you've never listened to Pastor Bob Enyart's Bible study seminars on The PlotThe Tree, and the companion studies titled The Law of MosesThe Last Days, and Details Galore (on miracles and healings), you owe it to yourself to order The Plot Audio Set right now to enjoy Bob's best-selling and extraordinary studies on understanding the Bible and living the Christian life! (Or, read the book!) And remember, BEL offers a 30-day money back guarantee on our resources!

* And speaking of Notre Dame: From our 2006 interview with Charles Rice, we've pasted here the written description from that program page...

* Respected Law Professor Emeritus: Dr. Charles Rice of Notre Dame states what many pro-life lawyers have so far refused to address, "If the court says the states can regulate abortion, then to protect the right to life, you'd have to get rid of the 'pro-life' abortion laws."

 * Indiana Code as an Example:

IC Title 16, Section 34, Chapter 2. Requirements for Performance of Abortion... 1. (a) Abortion shall in all instances be a criminal act, except when... (1) During the first trimester of pregnancy for reasons based upon the professional, medical judgment of the pregnant woman's physician if: (A) the abortion is performed by the physician; (B) the woman submitting to the abortion has filed her consent with her physician." Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. around the nation hundreds of times over. As also in Indiana, IC 16-34-2-1.1 (a) An abortion shall not be performed except with the the voluntary and informed consent..."

* Not One Supreme Court Justice: as far as we know, asserts that an unborn child has a right to life, and instead, all the pro-life justices who have ruled or addressed the topic actually undermine the personhood of the child by claiming that the states may allow the killing of an unborn child.


* Post-show Note: Here's a scan of the Notre Dame campus newspaper showing an announcement from the page 12 classifieds...