2008 Broadcast of Otherwise Banned List

This list, on a topic self-censored by the media and western universities, has been updated and broadcast again in 2019. (Please email updates or corrections to Bob@kgov.com.)

Gay Jeffrey Dahmer: raped, murdered, and ate 17 young men and boys.
Gay Luis Garavito: rapist, torturer, and murderer of more than 147 of Columbia's young boys.
Gay John Wayne Gacy: Chicago, killed 33 boys and buried them in his house and yard.
Gay Jim Jones
: killed 917 people.
Gay Mohamed Bouhlel: killed 84 in Nice, France including 10 children.
Gay California Freeway Killer William G. Bonin: murdered 14 boys ages 12 to 19, sexually molested them, tortured, mutilated, strangled & dumped their naked bodies.  One was stabbed 70 times.  Another had an ice pick in his head.  Others had cigarette burns.  1969 convicted of assaulting five boys, sentenced to five years.  1975 imprisoned for another rape.  Paroled in 10-78 & began his homo rape & murder spree immediately.  Police caught him while he was sexually assaulting a 15-yr-old boy in his van.  AP 2-23-96  "WGB said the death penalty "sends the wrong message" to America's youth.  Universal Press Syndicate 960507 Gambit Weekly, New Orleans.  He had been on death row for 14 years for 1979?80 murders. Executed 2-23-96 during BEL broadcast; studio lights dimmed.
Gay Patrick Kearney: murdered 32, cutting boys up and putting them into trash bags dumped along LA freeways....
See kgov.com/homosexual-mass-murderers for more.

Terry's Call: A homosexual who hated Bob Enyart until...Today's Resource: Watch Bob quickly unravel Terry's red herring claim, that homosexuals can be righteous Christians. In the BEL Terry's Call DVD (or download), see a series of startling, and then heart warming phone calls, Terry is lead to the Lord shortly before his death from AIDS.