The Big Bang is Coming!

* Origins Resource Association: "The Big Bang is Coming!" is the motto of ORA! The group's president, Dr. Ed Boudreaux, 29-year chemistry professor at New Orleans' University, lost his home to Hurricane Katrina and now lives in the Denver area. Dr. Boudreaux (bu-droe) talks with Bob about his expert testimony is Louisiana's Balance Treatment Act to allow the public schools to teach creation, which passed in a statewide vote only to have the U.S. Supreme Court strike it down, led in that tragic action by Antonin Scalia.

Post-show Note: Please join Bob in welcoming Judie Brown to Colorado at evening $100-a-plate fundraisers on April 4 & 5! Or if you're in Colorado please help get signatures! Or please donate directly to the non-deductible Colorado RTL Issue Committee to help get Personhood on the ballot in November! Just call Donna at 303 753-9394! Our deadline for 76,000 signatures is May 13th! We're at 45,000 and going strong! We need your help! Please, help!

Today's Resource: Watch Terry's Call on DVD as Bob quickly unravels Terry's red herring claim, that homosexuals are living godly lives. In a series of heart touching phone calls, Terry is led to the Lord and repentance, shortly before his death from AIDS. (And notice the meaning of all the graphic elements in the artwork on the label of the DVD!)