* Jefferson Hated Jesus Christ: Jefferson described the four Evangelists, namely, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as "feeble minds" and "groveling authors." In his condensed version of Scripture, called The Jefferson Bible, he rejected that Jesus is God, our Creator and Lord, and Jefferson omitted all miracles, and all teaching that Christ was crucified for our sins, and raised for our salvation. Jefferson said he easily separated the good scripture from bad, "as distinguishable diamonds in a dunghill." Jefferson remade God in man’s image. Specifically, he tried to remake God in the image of Thomas Jefferson, and he described the Bible passages he omitted as "so much absurdity, so much untruth, [and] charlatanism," and that the Gospels were full of "vulgar ignorance… of superstitions… and fabrications."
* Thomas Jefferson Impregnated One Slave Six Times: Of the more than 600 slaves that Thomas Jefferson owned over the course of his entire adult life, six times Jefferson impregnated one of them, Sally Hemings, throughout her teenage years. When he brought his concubine to France, she didn't want to return to America with him but did when he coerced her by "offering" to free her children on their 21st birthdays. American slavery, largely based on race, was fueled by the capital crime of kidnapping, for which the Scriptures mandate the death penalty. See kgov.com/slavery which documents the way in which the Bible condemns the kind of slavery practiced by America and much of the world.
* To Manipulate Christians, Jefferson Would Affirm God: Thomas Jefferson was manipulative. Like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, when Jefferson wanted to convince everyone of his (left-wing) agenda, he would use God as a rhetorical device to minimize opposition. For example, devout Christians were the most likely to disagree with Jefferson's promotion of institutionalized government education of children. So, as inscribed on the Jefferson Memorial,
God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever... Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate [btw, there is no such thing] than that these people are to be free. Establish the law for educating the common people. This it is the business of the state to effect...
Of course, as we describe at kgov.com/public-education, the very concept of government education is leftist and destructive, and with the left in denial about fallen human nature, they will never acknowledge that when government systematically relieves parents of the responsibility for their children's education, millions of parents will, gladly, abdicate that responsibility.
* David from Boone, Iowa Agrees: about Jefferson being godless. He then asked Bob about alternative forms of government since our founders gave us a form of government that could only work if the majority of people were righteous. Of course interestingly, from the entire Bible generally, and specifically and emphatically as taught by Jesus Himself, the majority are in rebellion against God (Mat. 7:13-14). Alternatively, humanists teach that people are basically good. Christians should remember this distincition when evaluating the pros and cons of a government designed to work well only if the majority are good. Christians today are uncomfortable acknowledging that many of America's founders were heavily influenced by the political correctness of their day. Their PC included a cautious promotion of democracy. Sometimes though they were not all that cautious, as illustrated by statements in the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers and by Virginia trying to do an end-run around the electoral college by turning the selection of our very first president into a plebiscite.
* From Walt Brown on Thomas Jefferson & The Flood: From a section titled Seashells on Mountaintops, in Dr. Brown's In the Beginning:
Twelve years before Thomas Jefferson became President of the United States, he was the U.S. Ambassador to France. In June of 1787, he traveled to the mountains near Tours, France to see dense deposits of clam shells 15,000 feet above sea level. Some, including Voltaire, had claimed that those shells were actually growing as “fruit of the earth.” After examining the deposit, Jefferson disagreed and wrote, The “origin of shells in high places [might be one of those questions] beyond the investigation of human sagacity.” [See H. A. Washington, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 9, (New York: Riker, Thorne & Co., 1854), p. 366.]
Even Thomas Jefferson, of all people, was presented with obvious evidence for the global flood which, if he took it seriously, could have saved his soul.