Friday's Broadcast

Bob Enyart

Refuting Beneficial Mutations with Dr. Jerry Bergman

* Take Me To the Top: Hear Speakers like James Tour, Jerry Bergman, Rob Stadler, Sal Cordova, Joel Brown and our very own Fred Williams Fri & Sat Feb 21 & 22 online at Creation Summit's "No PhD Required" virtual creation conference. 
*Dr. Jerry Bergman: Fred Williams and Doug McBurney welcome Dr. Jerry Bergman who has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology at several Universities for over 40 years. Dr. Bergman is a graduate of Medical College of Ohio, Wayne State University in Detroit, The University of Toledo, and Bowling Green State University.
*Spanking David James: a reference to Real Science Radio was added to professor David James Farina's rationalwiki page because Doug called Professor Dave a communist, (but without reference to our debunking, or even a link)!
*A Heavy Load: And we don't mean Professor Dave's "debunking" of Special Creation! We mean the genetic load of mutations that are overwhelmingly deleterious, and never add information beneficial for the survival of an organism.
*Encode & Haldane's Dilemma: tell us that Professor Dave and his lovely wife would need to bear at least 1048 more children to even have a chance of evolving the species.
*Another Hunk of Junk: turns out to be functioning DNA, and not what Professor Dave and the disciples of Darwin call "Junk DNA".
*All Apologies: Doug apologizes to Professor Dave for making light of his past career difficulties, and extends the gospel to him, knowing that behind the bravado of every atheist is a sad story and a broken heart.
*Mutations, Cancer & Evolution's True Path: Hear the truth about genetic mutations based on Dr. Bergman's decades of research where the evidence proves mutations kill cells, and kill organisms, (and radiation is used to CAUSE mutations to kill cancer cells)!
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