Monday's Broadcast
Does God Exist? Round 1a
Bob Enyart debated's resident atheist and psychologist Zakath on the question of Does God Exist? You can read it online or get the paperback version, perfect for reading while sitting in front of the fireplace and drinking a cup of coffee. (And you can get Bob's video seminar by the same title with a similar presentation, all designed to hone the apologetics skills of believers and to help unbelievers see the truth.) Click for Round 1b and here's the ToC from the paperback...
Table of Contents
Moderator Begins the Debate
Round 1 Definition of God; Potential cost of atheism and theism; On evidence for the Creator from physics and biology
Round 2 On the existence of truth; On the existence of right and wrong; On the origin of the universe; On the origin of biological life
Round 3 Evidence for truth from multiple frames of reference; On morality; On the origin of the universe; On the origin of biological life; On disagreements over moral values; On the origin of consciousness
Round 4 On absolute morality; On the God of the Gaps; On universal conscience as evidence for absolute morality
Round 5 Implication of widespread evil; On absolute morality; On the God of the Gaps; On falsifiability of natural origins [Hear also Bob's discussion with atheist Dr. John Henderson at]
Round 6 On God as the standard of morality; On falsifiability of natural origins; On disagreements over religious beliefs; On the falsifiability of Christianity; On the physics of creation; On scientific progress and religious faith; On the nature of physical and spiritual laws; On evidence for the Creator from the Solar System
Round 7 On conscience and sociopaths; On guilt as a cause of religious disagreement; On whether God's nature can theoretically define an absolute moral standard; On the absolute nature of laws; On the effect of conscience; On the possibilities inherent in eons of time
Round 8 Accusations against the God of the Bible; On absolute morality; the mathematics of probability; On evidence for the Creator from human behavior; On atheist morality
Round 9 On evidence from higher biological functions like vision and flight; On natural selection as a conservative force
Round 10 On seven atheist sayings; On the Transcendental proof for God; On atheism and sodium pentothal (truth serum); On the scientific statements in the Bible; On prophecies in the Bible; On the non-prophecies of the Bible; On an offered conclusion
Appendix (in the paperback edition of the debate)
A Christian Answer to Euthyphro
BEL Resources
* Ten Atheist Clichés Disproved in Eight Seconds or less! Based on material in the debate and listed over on our main atheism page at, here's a list of ten atheist clichés that can be disproved in eight seconds or less.
Atheist Cliché 1: There is no truth!
Theist Rebuttal: Is that true? [1 second]
Okay, well then...
Atheist Cliché 2: Truth is unknowable!
Theist Rebuttal: How do you know? [1 second]
Well then, for certain...
Atheist Cliché 3: There are no absolutes!
Theist Rebuttal: Absolutely? [1 second]
Well, okay, but...
Atheist Cliché 4: Only your five senses provide real knowledge!
Theist Rebuttal: Says which of the five? [2 seconds]
Ouch. Got me there. Okay, well at least...
Atheist Cliché 5: Logical arguments are not "evidence."
Theist Rebuttal: What is your evidence for that? [2.5 seconds]
Atheist Cliché 6: Only the physical realm is real!
Theist Rebuttal: That claim itself is not physical, so it's self refuting. [3 seconds]
Atheist Cliché 7: Great suffering proves that a loving God cannot exist!
Theist Rebuttal: The unstated assumption is false, that suffering can have no value or purpose. [4.5 secs]
Atheist Cliché 8: Atheism is scientific, because science does not allow for a supernatural interpretation of an event!
Theist Rebuttal: This circular reasoning tricks atheists into assuming that which they thought they proved. [5 seconds]
Atheist Cliché 9: Widespread evil proves that a righteous God cannot exist!
Theist Rebuttal: The two unstated assumptions are false: that love can be forced; and that some love is not worth enduring much hate. [6.5 seconds]
Atheist Cliché 10: If theists claim that the universe could not have always been here, then God couldn't have always been here either.
Theist Rebuttal: The natural universe is subject to the physical laws, so it would run out of useable energy; a supernatural, spiritual God is not subject to physics. [7.9 seconds]
"If your worldview can be dismantled within eight seconds, then get a better one." -Bob Enyart, adapted from TheologyOnline's Battle Royale VII: Does God Exist?. You may also want to check out