Friday's Broadcast

Bob Enyart

10 Things People Believe - Proved Wrong!

*Top 10 List: Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney review their list of the top 10 things people still believe, that science has proven wrong.

#10: Vestigial Organs -  The most popular one growing up was the appendix, remember? Until this (from PubMed in 2016). And don't forget tonsils!

 #9: GPS won’t work without Einsteinian relativity. It will, and does.

#8: Junk DNA - There's no such thing! We're only beginning to comprehend DNA. And to have ever assumed any of it was junk was foolishness!

#7: Lucy is a Human Ancestor - Poppycock!

#6: Plate Tectonics - The fourth-biggest-dumbest theory going, (after Darwinian Evolution, the Big Bang, and Einsteinian Relativity).

#5: Dangerous Anthropogenic Climate Change - Fifth biggest-dumbest...

#4: Darwin's Tree of Life - That dog don't hunt, and lies like a rug!

#3: The Big Bang: See #'s 4 & 5, the James Webb Space Telescope, and our favorite! Genesis One.

#2: Evolution: Ha! Yeah.... right! (Also, see Genesis One again). Neo-Darwinism is so laughably preposterous even foolish atheists like Jimmy Shapiro are beginning to re-evaluate the emperor's outfit. 

#1: Dinosaurs lived and went extinct millions of years ago. We’ve long had solid evidence that man and dinosaurs lived together, from cliff and cave drawings to the tomb of Richard Bell, to Chinese calendars... and of course all that dinosaur soft tissue in all those fossils!

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