From time to time we list needed books or videos at our KGOV Research Wish List or we list them right here at Obtaining these resources would help us greatly in our work at Bob Enyart Live, Theology Thursday, Real Science Radio, and even American Right To Life and Denver Bible Church.
The most important resources on our list right now:
The First Steps in Seeing by Robert W. Rodieck, Bishop Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology at the University of Washington. We can use this book in our study of quantum mechanics and the double-slit experiment as at and
And to help with

* And this Equipment! Until the summer of 2021, we've only posted books on our BEL Wish List. But our main studio computer is dying. We've used it for 14 years. And so now, possibly for the next 14 years, or until the Lord returns...
So if you'd like to consider helping us purchase this (dazzling!) new computer, you can click on over to
And if you'd like to consider helping purchase the above research item, just click on over to our KGOV Research Wish List at
Thanks so much for your consideration!
In Christ,
- Bob Enyart
PO Box 583
Arvada, CO 80001
1-800-8Enyart (836-9278)
* Already Received: Thank you guys so very much! See below for the latest resources to be purchased for RSR research by our wonderful listeners! (Thank you ALL so very much! And please forgive us, but feel free to let us know, if we've not gotten around to listing a resource that you have so generously purchased for our research.)
The Lost Sea of the Exodus: A Modern Geographical Analysis Hardcover – Second Edition 2016 (used in Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle!) [Rec'd in April 2021]
Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt, Rome, and Greece 2010 by Walter de Gruyter (in English and German) [This probably replaces our need for an earlier request we listed, an English version of Erik Hornung: Zwei ramessidische Königsgräber. Ramses IV. und Ramses VII. von Zabern, Mainz 1990.] In 2020 now back in print!
This text is needed in hopes of strengthening the research presented at our site (and [Rec'd in April 2021]
- Interpreting Eden: A Guide to Faithfully Reading and Understanding Genesis 1-3 by Harvard Ph.D. Vern Poythress. (Looking especially for his scholarly take on ancient cultures and their teaching on a dome-covered Earth, for our work on We've already accessed the snippets of this book that appear online.)
- The Documentary Hypothesis [updated link] by Umberto Cassuto (mentioned in Tim Mahoney's Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy.) Phenomenal little book! (If you'd like to do the research to determine whether the English translation is now in the public domain, please feel free to forward your information and conclusion to and if it is, we will scan and upload it in its entirety online. Thanks!)
- Encyclopaedia of Scientific Units, Weights and Measures: Their SI Equivalences and Origins 3rd Revised edition Edition. Bob has since fully marked up this text and found it helpful for our resource! Thanks so much!
- Grand Canyon Geology, 2nd Edition. This is the leading geological work on the Canyon and it has a chapter on the side canyons that we're especially interested in, including Nautiloid Canyon, to use in further researching our evidence for a young earth (from rapid canyon formation) from both the side canyons and from the nautiloid fossils.
- The National Geographic Magazine issue from October 1953 on Carlsbad Caverns (to scan the article describing the relatively rapid preservation by a stalagmite of the form of a dead bat).
- Exodus Myth or History? by David Rohl (or the Rohl video set at our Amazon Wish List)
- King James Version Bible, Red Letter Old Testament Edition This is valuable for our verse-by-verse study of the Book of Leviticus for a particular lesson early in 2018.
- The End of the Timeless God: Oxford Studies in Analytic Theology for our ongoing work.
- The World's Oldest Alphabet: Hebrew As the Language of the Proto-consonantal Script by Prof. Douglas Petrovich, Ph.D.
- Israel's Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective, This text is part of Springer's series: quantitative methods in the humanities and social sciences, edited by Levy, Schneider, and Propp.
- The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East: by Mark Cohen.
- Tombs at Giza, Volume 1: Kaiemankh (G4561) and Seshemnefer I (G4940), Australian Centre for Egyptology Studies, Vol. I, 2001.
- The Gods of the Egyptians: Studies in Egyptian Mythology, the classic by E. A. Wallis Budge, keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian antiquities in the British Museum.
- Chronological Antiquities: John Jackson's classic work on the antiquities and chronology of the most ancient kingdoms, from the creation of the world for the space of five thousand years. (notes: 1752; for our calendar research we needed only Vol. II. So thank you to the BEL/RSR listener who purchased this valuable resource for us!)
- The Book of Calendars: Editor, Frank Parise. "Thanks Joe M." -B.E.
- Chronology of the Ancient World, 2nd edition Cornell Univ. Press, E. J. Bickerman, 1980 (notes: The 1st edition was published in 1968. The 2nd edition's Chapter 1, pp. 13-61, may be especially helpful to us, addressing Moon & Month; Lunisolar; Greek, Egyptian & Roman Calendars; Zodiac; Natural Year; Week.) So thank you so much to our anonymous researcher to purchased this for us and had it mailed to the above address!
- Calendars in Antiquity -- Empires, States, and Societies: Sacha Stern's 2012 work on the calendars of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, Gaul, and all other parts of the Mediterranean and the Near East, from the origins up to and including Jewish and Christian calendars in late antiquity.
- Reverse Thinking video: Thanks Jason H for getting this video for the congregation at DBC.
When we have no resources that we're currently looking for, we put this message above: "GREAT NEWS! Our audience has acquired for us all the resources we've identified to date! So right at the moment, we don't know what else it is that we need! Thank you all so very much! -Bob Enyart"
Note for when there are no pending needs:
[As of _date_, 2019, everything on our list has been purchased! (See below.) We ask God for His help in enabling us to use these for the furtherance of the Gospel and we thank our wonderful listeners for using their hard-earned money to get these to us!]