* Nat'l RTL & Republican for Choice endorse McCain: John McCain gets endorsements from two organizations that promote the regulation of child-killing, National RTL (AndThenYouCanKillTheBaby.com) and Republicans for Choice.
Post-show Note 1: Denver Bible Church is taking their whole congregation to see the 11:30 a.m. showing of Ben Stein's anti-Darwin movie, Expelled, on Sunday morning April 20th! Wow. A church going to the movies instead of holding their Sunday morning service. That's different (and fun)! Please see Expelled on opening weekend at a theater near you or if you're in the Denver area, please visit in theater Bob E, Will, Joel F, Brian J, and many others at any of the following showings (American RTL is having a movie marathon and these guys will be at all opening weekend showings), at:
Arvada's Olde Town 14
Friday: 11:30am, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30
Saturday: 11:30am, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30
Sunday: 11:30am, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30
Post-show Note 2: Motive Entertainment Marketing: the firm running the marketing campaign for Expelled is Motive Entertainment, the Los Angeles-based firm which also directed the marketing campaigns for Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, the Tom Hanks/Robert Zemeckis film Polar Express and the record-breaking Walden Media/Disney epic series, The Chronicles of Narnia.
Today's Resource: Enjoy the BEL Science Pack and watch tremendous documentary DVDs, listen to Bob's Genesis: Creation study album, read the best book on creation/evolution ever written, and hear a debate on the Age of the Earth!