Talking points to defend the pro-life position in the so-called "hard cases" of rape, incest and life of the mother.
Abortion for Incest
The abortion clinic helps to cover up the crime.
- The abortion clinic typically sends the victim back home to her rapist.
- The abortion clinic often sends her home with the relative who raped her.
- Abortion for incest emboldens a criminal to rape his young relative.
- Abortion for incest helps the rapist escape being caught.
- Abortion for incest tempts the rapist to repeat his crime.
- Incest abortion is not compassionate, but increases a woman's suffering.
- Intentionally killing a child is always wrong, even if her father is a criminal.
- Loving the woman and the child is right, including by adoption!
Abortion for Rape (see Incest Talking Points above. Also...)
- Liberals compassionately care for the rapist, but kill the baby.
- We should kill the rapist, and love the baby.
- Abortion helps the rapist, by being an alternative to severe deterrence.
- Abortion helps the rapist, by having us "deal with" rape rather than prevent it.
- Rapists advocate abortion for rape, especially when done quietly.
- Abortion doesn't punish the rapist.
- We should never kill a child because his father is a criminal.
- Abortion makes the would-be date rapist even more reckless.
- Abortion emboldens the sick minds of all would-be rapists.
- Abortion for rape does not undo the crime.
- Abortion for rape further victimizes the woman making a second casualty.
Abortion for the Life of the Mother
- The goal is not to kill the child, but to save mom and if possible the baby.
- Abortion is always wrong, without exception, and should be abolished.
Isn't personhood a burden to the victims of rape and incest? Consider the horror of abortion for incest. Cruelly, the abortion clinic typically covers up the crime of incest by sending the victim back home to her rapist. Even worse, they often send her home with her rapist, the very criminal who impregnated her and then brought her to Planned Parenthood. Abortion for incest emboldens a criminal to rape his young relative; helps him escape being caught; tempts him to repeat his crime; and is not compassionate because it kills a baby and increases the woman's suffering. Personhood for the unborn helps people understand there are no hard cases when deciding to protect a baby. You don't kill a baby because her father is a criminal. Also, as documented at The Mona Lisa Project, and at Life, Caught on Tape, abortion clinics in Colorado and nationally refuse to comply with mandatory reporting laws for suspected child rape. Colorado RTL has brought taped evidence of that failure to comply with our state's mandatory reporting laws for suspected sexual abuse of a child to Colorado's attorney general. Personhood will reduce crime and protect women and children from the horror of abortion for rape and incest.
Life of the Mother: Colorado's three Personhood Amendment ballot initiative had no exceptions. What then if a pregnancy threatens the life of the mother? The doctor's goal should be to save mom and the baby if possible. The goal should never be to kill the mother to save the baby, nor to kill the child to save the mother. In an ectopic pregnancy for example, we save mom and the baby tragically dies. But our goal should always be, if possible, to save the baby also. Society's attempt to justify killing unborn children leads to absurdities like the exception for the life of the mother in the partial-birth abortion ban. In reality, if the mother's life is threatened by her pregnancy, her doctor would deliver the baby as soon as possible, and never stop midway to kill the baby. The PBA ban itself has no authority to save a single child because the abortionist can simply uses a variation of PBA or some other late-term technique. However, the very idea of delaying the saving of a mom in order to stop midway to kill the baby is such an obvious cruelty and deception that it exposes the hard-heartedness of those who argue for such exceptions. Abortion is always wrong, without exception, and should be abolished.
See also Bob Enyart's article at