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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

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Ryan Mullins: The End of the Timeless God, on RSR!

End of the Timeless God by Ryan T. MullinsReal Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews theologian and author of the Oxford Studies title, The End of the Timeless God, Ryan Mullins. Research fellow at Scotland's University of St. Andrews, Dr. Mullins has published groundbreaking work on the topic of God's relationship to time. Bob read and highly recommends Mullin's book! And we invite you to browse our own titles and check out "God and time" resources at our own! On Monday, March 23rd at 5 p.m. Eastern Time you're invited to tune in for Part 2 and then on April 3rd for Part 3 when the guys get to the nearly ubiquitous and utterly damaging doctine of Divine Simplicity.

* Is God Outside of Time? See, ranked by Google among the top ten most popular pages on the web on the topic!

Post-show Update: See for the argument that the Settled View undermines God as a self-existent being and makes William Lane Craig a necessary being.

Today's Resource: Predestination & Free Will Seminar  So much is at stake when people consider predestination and free will. Strong emotions often surface with a discussion of this topic. That passion points to our critical need to understand the truth regarding whether or not God has predetermined countless particulars including who will go to hell and who will go to heaven.

Predestination%20%26%20Free%20Will%20set%20.jpg__06743.1412612118.pngThe question of whether or not God has planned out each person’s life affects us. Does God have a plan for your life? Does a blueprint exist for your future? Did God predetermine whether or not you would get married, and to whom? Did God plan whether you would be wealthy or poor, happy or sad? If God does plan your life, does He do so in minute detail or in general themes? If God has a plan for your life, are you able to alter that plan? This topic directly influences people concerning how they live their lives. As Christians, we must seek God to accurately portray the LORD to others. For any misrepresentation of God will dishonor Him and perhaps bring harm to those misled.

You can now order the seminar video in a 3-DVD set or MP4 video download.

"It's 10 p.m." Bob's 30-second YouTube video showing that a timeless being could not tell time.

If the (14c) Data Doesn't Fit, Just Fix the Data

COVID-19 lethality and transmissability 3/11/20 Elderberry syrup.

Over the hundreds of Real Science Radio episodes we've talked about Carbon 14 (and what it indicates about the age of fossils) with some of the world's leading experts on radiocarbon dating (for example, Dr. Steve Taylor, long-time Head of the Mass Spectrometry Group at the University of Liverpool and author of 160 peer-reviewed papers). Today, by recommendation from a listener who speaks about creation at St. Cloud University in Minnesota, we're interviewing someone who actually built a Carbon-14 research lab! Dr. John Lepera, with a masters in physics from Ball State, presents his experience helping the anthropology department by measuring radiocarbon in peat that formed under a retreating glacier in what is today Muncie, Indiana. The careful results he obtained supported the biblical timeframe, so he was told to do it again, and by using a sample that included some limestone grains with the peat (i.e., a contaminated sample), the results satisfied the requirement of the anthropoligists and please his own academic advisor.

And please help if you possibly can with our March 2020 BEL Telethon by clicking here! In addition to our ongoing financial needs to keep reaching more people online and on the radio, our $14,000 disc publisher just died, so this telethon is even more important than ever! To help us reach our goal, please consider either purchasing a product, subscribing, or making a donation at our Thanks so much everyone!

Real_Science_Radio_2018__45662.1552098175.pngToday's Resource: Real Science Radio 2018 Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. We're the home of the popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything. This audio disk features all of the Real Science Radio episodes from 2018.

RSR Special Episode: One of those 30,000 public school teachers!

CorrectionJames Craft is speaking in:
- Sterling at 7 p.m. tonight, Wednesday, at the First English Lutheran Church
- Ft. Morgan at 7 p.m. on Thursday at Calvary University Innovation Center
- Denver at 7 p.m. on Friday at our Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship at the Littleton Baptist Church
- Colo Spgs at 1 p.m. on Saturday at Mesa Hills Bible Church.

The journal Science published a report indicating that 30,000 U.S. public high school biology teachers (consistent with many thousands of scientists and scholars) do not endorse Darwinism in class! One of those science teachers, who taught at Green Bay, Wisconsin, is James Craft. With a major in biology and a minor in chemistry from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, that bastion of liberalism, Jim taught his students two models, the unreasonable one, evolution, and the reasonable one, creation. For as the Bible says, faith is the [proper response to the] evidence for things not seen, whereas it is unreasonable to believe, against all scientific knowledge, in a materialist origin of life (OOL) claim that life could arise from non-life. (By the way, we'll discuss abiogenesis that with a biochemist on Friday's RSR program and on March 27 we'll resume our series with Fred Williams on the problems with star formation.) Jim Craft is speaking around Colorado's front range this week in the evenings at 7 p.m., tonight in Sterling at the First English Lutheran Church, tomorrow at Calvary University Innovation Center in Ft. Morgan, Friday at our Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship at the Littleton Baptist Church, and at 1 p.m. on Saturday afternoon in Colorado Springs at Mesa Hills Bible Church.

RSR's List of Star Formation Problems

a star* Star Formation Problems: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss the problems with star formation and the laws of physics that collapse the theory... but not the nebula! See also Part 2 and Part 3!

Standard Models Start Late: The models for star formation begin, amazingly, with the explosion of preexisting stars (e.g., "When these forces fall out of balance, such as due to a supernova shock wave, the cloud begins to collapse") or, as with the classic study by Larson which assumed a starting point where the hypothetical condensation was already well under way. Analytical calculations and computer simulators do not show that star formation is possible based upon the known laws of physics.
Star Rotation: The "angular momentum problem" as Larsen calls it (2003, The physics of star formation), recognizes that the rotation rates of the potential star-forming nebulae are a thousand times greater than could possibly be contained in a star (without it flying apart). As a spinning nebula condensed, its spin would be conserved, like a figure skater pulling in her arms, so that the rotation rate of a star would be wildly fast beyond anything known in the universe.
Condensing Nebula: Condensing a gas cloud, like the Eagle Nebula, would increase pressure and temperature, which would then expand the cloud, because the weak force of gravity is easily overpowered by the cloud's pressure, as well as its angular momentum. Further, the cloud would have to be more massive than an average star yet orders of magnitude smaller than any known nebulae.
Magnetic Strength: The journal Science published what amounts to a parallel of the angular momentum problem,  "Interstellar clouds are permeated by magnetic fields that we believe to be effectively frozen to the contracting gas; as the gas cloud collapses to form a star, the magnetic field lines should be compressed ever closer together, giving rise to enormous magnetic fields, long before the collapse is completed. These fields would resist further collapse, preventing the formation of the expected star; yet we observe no evidence of strong fields, and the stars [allegedly] do form, apparently unaware of our theoretical difficulties."
Dark Matter to the Rescue (Again): If gravity working on matter were sufficient to explain star formation, scientists would not be pinning their hope on dark matter. As explained in 2007 by a Reuters science correspondent Dark matter key to formation of first stars, "As the universe initially was only helium and hydrogen, dark matter was critical in providing the gravitational force to pull these elements together to form stars. Now that there are other objects in the galaxy [including pre-existing exploding stars], dark matter is not needed to form stars." Then again in 2014 a Nature paper on the formation of the first stars and galaxies was described by Caltech's Richard Ellis, "Now we can get to grips with how stars and galaxies form and relate it to dark matter. You can make stars and galaxies that look like the real thing. But it is the dark matter that is calling the shots." As a theory rescue device, dark matter is rather flexible! 
Population III: The BB predicts that the "first generation" of stars stars, referred to as Population III stars, would have been comprised only of hydrogen and helium (without metals, i.e., heavy elements) and that they should still be plentiful. Yet even though many millions of stars have been studied and cataloged, not even one Population III star has been found. "Astronomers have never seen a pure Population III star, despite years of combing our Milky Way galaxy."  -Science Jan. 4, 2002, p. 66 (see this reference and many more). Recently this problem was defined away by claiming that the smallest Pop III stars would have been a thousand times more massive than previously claimed and so would more rapidly expend their nuclear fuel. But then in Nov. 2018, an allegedly 13.5 Gyr-old very small binary star system was discovered rewinding the wildly morphing stellar evolution hypothesis.
No Dust to Form Molecular Hydrogen: If the so-called first generation stars could overcome all other star formation hurdles and have their formation helped by the use of molecular hydrogen, an additional problem (not unlike the difficulty of forming raindrops without a pollution/particulate nucleus) exists in that hydrogen atoms are unlikely to bond without a landing surface of sorts.
Blue Star Assembly Line: Short-lived (1M to 10M-yr) Blue "straggler" stars unexpectedly found in allegedly much-older clusters.
Particular Stars Acknowledged as Unexplainable: See below, examples of individual stars, one nearby and one faraway, that leading scientists say, "should not exist" according to current theory, regarding research published in leading journals.
Millions of Years of Missing Stage 3 Supernovas: An explosion appeared in the night sky in 1054 A.D. as a supernova remnant (SNR) forming the Crab Nebula. Big bang theory predicts a significant rate of star explosions (one every 25 to 100 years). Yet, not only are there millions of years of missing SNRs of Stage 3 diameter, further, the number of Stage 1 and Stage 2 SNRs correspond well to the expected number if the universe is less than 10,000 years old. (For more on this, check out this RSR program.)

Doug Axe on RSR on his Historic Discovery of Protein Structure

Undeniable book cover* A Place in the History of Molecular Biology: At Cambridge University, anti-Darwinist Douglas Axe worked for some of the world's leading molecular biologists in the laboratory established by four Nobel laureates including the guys who discovered DNA's double-helix. Decades after Watson and Crick broke the field of molecular biology wide open, evolutionists at Cambridge were still publishing the claim that the recipe for building proteins had just a couple of rudimentary requirements. Doug's groundbreaking research showed that the "simple model" of protein construction was false. Further, shocking to evolutionists, Axe showed that the very particular order of hundreds of various amino acids was a very specific sequence needed for standard protein function (with a specific, different sequence needed for each kind of protein). Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart is honored to interview Dr. Axe!

* To Get the Book: You can purchase Doug's fabulous book wherever great boooks are sold including at or elsewhere as listed at the book's website,!

* Other RSR Discovery Institute Interviews: To hear our other fun and information interviews with Discovery Institute scientists and scholars, just click on over to

* The Richard Dawkins 3-to-1 Evolution Challenge: Research for a debate on the Bible led Bob Enyart and his associate Will Duffy to Oxford University. While there, thinking about the popularity of RSR's graphical evolution challenges, such as the Evolution Vision Challenge and about the success of our PZ Myers Trochlea Challenge (click for that evolutionist's reply), the guys decided to hand deliver to the Oxford office of professor emeritus Richard Dawkins a printed copy of RSR's Dawkins 3-to-1 Challenge. (Dawkins still lectures there for a course titled, Science Literacy: Evolution for Non-Scientists.) Intelligent Design arguments based on complexity, like the flagellum argument offered by Michael Behe, are powerful yet that very complexity provides opportunities for opponents to obfuscate. (For example, if a cellular component is assembled from twenty parts, an evolutionist can make somewhat irrelevant comments about two or three of those parts, and get millions of evolutionists to claim that he has refuted that design challenge.) Thus Real Science Radio has been testing arguments based on the simpler, rather than the more complex, aspects of organisms. It appears that these inherently simpler arguments may more effectively demonstrate the inability of the materialist worldview to explain biology. (Our Myers Trochlea Challenge is just such an argument, focusing on one of the simplest parts of the human vision system.) So the graphic that we delivered to New College asserts that neither Richard Dawkins, nor any materialist, will ever be able to answer this simple Dawkins 3-to-1 Evolution Challenge:


* RSR's Vision Challenge:

A brain doesn't "see" an image but a symbolic code of that image

Today’s Resource: We invite you to browse the Science Department of our online store!

"If the people can do it the sheep can do it", Temple Grandin in Patterns

Upate -- Temple Grandin on HCQ: On the phone on March 18th with renowned scientist Temple Grandin Bob Enyart and Temple were talking about the report just out in the Nature journal Cell Discovery. At you can find out more about our call.

If the people can do it, Jacob's Sheep can do it! :)* Review of Patterns III: Red Sea Miracle: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams review Tim Mahoney's third installment in his Patterns of Evidence series, The Red Sea Miracle. The guys begin with audience favorite, CSU professor autism spokesperson and author of 60 peer-reviewed scientific papers on animal behavior Temple Grandin, who answers Mahoney's question about whether sheep could travel twenty miles a day for days on end. "If the people can do it the sheep can do it" she answered bluntly. Thus this woman, named by Time magazine as one of the hundred most influential people in the world, swiped away in a simple sentence a century of objection to the "Hebrew approach" on crossing the desert to the sea. That was one of various objections, both scholarly (like the location of yam suph) and colloquial (like sandals would wear out), addressed by the film's evaluation of the "Egyptian approach" of a nearby, smaller, and less miraculous crossing as compared to what Mahoney calls a "Hebrew approach" to a far greater and more miraculous Red Sea Crossing. (This RSR episode was recorded the day after the nationwide fathom event screening. And consider visiting the landing page for our list of evidence!)

* Mahoney's Patterns:
Patterns of Evidence -- The Exodus: Arrival; Multiplication; Slavery; Judgment; Exodus; Conquest.
Patterns of Evidence -- Moses Controversy: Match the Look; Readable; Match the History.
Patterns of Evidence -- The Red Sea Miracle: Departure Point; Direction; Desert; Detour to a Dead End; Deep Sea; Destination to Mt. Sinai.

* The Reversal of Egyptologist Manfred Bietak: In the early 2000s after years leading Egyptian excavations Egyptologist Manfred Bietak on camera answers Mahoney's question about evidence for the Israelites in Egypt, bluntly stating, "So far, not." That wasn't the "so far" of a hopeful investigator but rather as a mainstream scholar he did not recognize the historicity of the Hebrew sojourn and added, "To connect this with the Israelites is a very weak affair." Fast forward more than a decade later and Mahoney again interviews him, asking about any knowledge gained in the intervening years, "Do you [now] see a place where the Israelites could have lived?" And in a dramatic reversal, "A very exciting evidence comes from the region of the Wadi Tumilat" Bietak says pointing to the Goshen region on a map. "I was able to prove that the western half of Wadi Tumilat was an enormous overflow lake, because it was a kind of enormous basin, fed by a branch of the Nile, eighteen kilometers long, 1.8 kilometers wide. What is most interesting, Sarah Groll [the late linquist Egyptologist toponyms expert] pointed it out, there is a lake in one of the Ramesside texts called Geshem, Gesem." This is one of the semitic place names Groll identified. "And indeed in the Septuagint version," Bietak continued, "Goshen is written as Gesem. … Gesem is a semitic lake tied to a big lake, and it can only be this lake" he says tapping on the map at Goshen. So Mahoney askms why semitic place names would appear in Egypt and Bietak answered. "Why did Egyptian scribes for heavens sake use semitic toponyms for an area that belongs to Egypt? It could only mean that the people living there, the majority, spoke a semitic language. Here we have the name Pithom tied to a Ramasside document" pointing again to the map. "I think that one should not mistrust the story of the sojourn of the Israelites in Egypt. I think there is packed inside, a story which may have an historic background." See also

* On Yam Suph / The Red Sea: BEL DRAFT NOTES. The last thing that the world needs is a new idea on the Red Sea. But, what if Yam Suph did not exist as a toponym (a geographic name) prior to the sea crossing, but rather, as Moses was saved in the suph of the Nile's waters, the water crossed took on that idiomatic name precisely because the Israelites were saved through its waters? Watching Tim Mahoney's Red Sea Miracle prompted the following idea. Scholars in the film state what has long been known, that the Hebrew yam means sea, and that suph does not mean red, but rather, reeds. Consider that the "names" of the pagan gods were not so much personal names as titles of (false) deity such as Baal, and likewise the words Abimelech, Xerxes, and Artaxerxes may not be names of individuals but titles of royalty. Similarly, what if yam suph was not the pre-existing name of a specific body of water but rather referred to a watery saving? Consider also that dramatic events often give rise to new figures of speech. The creation week led to the number seven meaning completion and likewise the flood's days of rain led to forty meaning a fully sufficient amount of time. After Moses was saved through the Nile's waters when his mother hid him in the suph, that is, in the reeds (twice stated in Exodus 2), perhaps an idiomatic expression arose regarding a saving involving water which became a suph saving?

Rohl's Facebook page with Enyart's private msg and David's reply, "Interesting."
Super-brief non-negative reply

Pondering the above proposal, consider the 28 uses of suph in the Bible:
- The suph of the Nile where Moses was saved (Ex. 2:3, 5)
- The suph sea where the wind blew the locusts (Ex. 10:19)
- The suph sea referencing where Israel was saved (22 times; though a couple of these need to be examined further)
- The suph sea of Solomon's ships (at the Gulf of Aqaba 1 Ki 9:26)
- Though the suph wrapped around his head Jonah was saved (2:5)

As the antithesis, Isaiah 49 provides the final reference stating that Egypt's "waters will fail from the sea and the river will be wasted... reeds and suph will wither" (Isa. 49:6) so that whereas God's people were saved, those arrayed against Him can expect no watery suph saving. Regarding Jonah in the Mediterranean, if this RSR idea is valid, then it is not the location that makes a body of water a "suph sea", but a salvation by that water. So the Jonah reference would then be an instance of typical word usage. A word that has a particular connotation is often used as a subtle figure of speech, where a shade of meaning imparts a tone to the text. The Holy Spirit knew what ancient men did not, that whales don't eat seaweed. But Jonah's head is wrapped in the suph subtly indicating, by the choice of that vocabulary word, that he will be saved.

Two Ways Suph as Idiom May Help: Studying the Exodus route, if suph as an idiom is true, there would be no need to search for a body of water previously identified as yam suph. When Israel was saved through the sea, it became the suph sea, such that the most significant use of this new figure of speech actually conferred a new name, for a time anyway, onto that body of water. (If the sea crossed had not been previously known by any distinctive name to the Israelites, that would make adoption of this idiom even more likely.) Second, a lack of reeds would not mitigate against the "Hebrew approach", as Tim Mahoney calls it, to locating the Red Sea miracle at the Gulf of Aqaba.

Tonight in theaters! But first, Tim Mahoney's here on RSR

Sold seats for Patterns 3 at Colo Mills for tonight's film
Colo Mills 4 p.m.

Bob Enyart urges you to go to the movies tonight! (Just enter your zip code for tickets and nationwide theater locations.) Fred Williams and I will be at the Colorado Mills theater in Golden, Colorado with our wives to see Tim Mahoney's Patterns 3: The Red Sea Miracle! And for now, sit back and enjoy Bob's interview, on the "day of" with the filmmaker himself!

In Colorado? If you're in the Denver area, please join Bob to fill up the Colorado Mills theater in Golden! (See image, right, showing seats taken and seats available, as of Tuesday 4 p.m.)

Mahoney has turned what was the weakest area in apologetics into a treasure house of of extrabiblical evidence corroborating the Israelites' seminal event.

So tonight, Tuesday, February 18th at 7 p.m. at a theater near you, your presence is cordially requested... providing, of course, that you buy a ticket and invite at least one other person to go to the movies with you! :)

And, based on Mahoney's work, see our own List of Evidence for the Exodus page at

Mutiny in the RSR Studio

Bob Enyart and Fred Williams have the bright idea of interviewing one of their sons and everything was going fine until...

RSR's Polys Pt. 3

Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams conclude their discussion of polystrate trees, polystrate jellyfish, polystrate tadpoles, and many other kinds of polystrate fossils including vertically buried leaves, a mesosaur buried in varves, a whale in diatoms, a school of whales vertically through four strata, an organism's delicate spines radiating through solid rock strata, nautiloids standing on their points in solid limestone, a school of perch, a dinosaur footprint, and three-dimensional trilobites. To hear Parts 1 and 2, and to see our full list, just click on over to and see especially the photos at

- Dinosaur Footprint Polystrates: Two photos, bottom right, and another below that (with two granddaughters of an RSR listener) were taken at the USA's #1 track site as ranked by a panel of paleontologists, Denver's Dinosaur Ridge.

Dinosaur footprint polystrate fossils photographed at Denver's Dinosaur Ridge
Dinosaur footprint polystrates

Colorado's famous Dinosar Ridge footprints are pressed into the Dakota rock formation. The RSR hosts are radio guys and not geologists but Bob recalled that these deposits (we think they're the Plainview Formation of the Dakota group) stretch for hundreds of miles around the Denver hogbacks. So, how much scientific curiosity do mainstream geologists have regarding the polystrate footprints there, and what they require of the rapidity of the formation of their layers? A single polystrate establishes that these deformed layers, just west of Denver off of Interstate 70, were deposited rapidly enough that multiple strata were all still soft at the same time a dinosaur stepped into them. And what's more, those layers appear to be consistent in many ways with their underlying layers, suggesting a similar depositional history.

Polystrate footprint at Denver's Dinosaur Ridge
Dinosaur Ridge

Question: Does mainstream geology have a term for these kinds of polystrates?
Answer: No.
Question: Do mainstream geologists want to know whether their explanations for upright trees can explain other kinds of polystrates, including dinosaur footprints?
Answer: No.
Question: If polystrate footprint fossils indicate the rapid deposition of some iconic rock layers that cover a great extent in the Rocky Mountain region, would mainstream geologists be interested in knowing that, or even, in exploring it?
Answer, sadly: No.

Another question that is asked frequently is how long ago were these rocks of the Morrison and Dakota Formations laid down? The Field Guide gives 150 million years ago for the Morrison, in the upper part of the 208-144 million year ago Jurassic Period. A value of 100 million years ago is listed for the Dakota Formation, in the lower part of the 144-66 million year ago Cretaceous Period. Scott (1972) lists each forma- tion as about 300 feet (100 meters) thick. A crude estimate of average depositional rates can be made by dividing 200 meters of strata by 50 million years, yielding an average of 4 micrometers per year. Being off by a factor of about 2 in either or both of these numbers does not really affect the illustration... Nearly everyone can see that nothing can be buried and preserved at that slow rate. Dinosaurs, especially, need to be covered with at least their own thickness of sediment before they rot or are scavenged...

Though not mentioned in his Field Guide, [Martin] Lockley has verbally claimed to have found some dinosaur footprints in the [Dinosaur Ridge] area that are so perfect that he can even see the texture of the skin of the feet. Preservation of such features necessitates burial by about a cm of sediment in a fraction of a day in gentle, non-erosive conditions. Otherwise wind, water currents, rain, or other animals would obliterate [such features]. Waisgerber (1990) reminds us that fresh deposits are particularly vulnerable to erosion prior to consolidation and cementation. Though it varies with habitat and moisture conditions, the rate of destruction of footprints can be easily observed today... - Dr. Ed Holryod, CRSQ 1992, p. 9

As for other footprints in stone that falsify the old-earth timeframe, see these photographs GFHPT_Blu_Ray_Cover__25419.1444160877.pngtaken by Bob Enyart near McKee, Oklahoma at pressed into Pennsylvanian limestone, more footprints that are of no scientific interest to most geologists and paleontologists.

Today's Resource: The Global Flood and Hydroplate Theory

Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart presents the scientific evidence for Dr. Walt Brown’s model of the global flood, along with the relevant biblical material. Enyart also discusses Brown's opponents and contrasts both the vapor canopy and catastrophic plate tectonics with the hydroplate theory.

RSR's Polys Pt. 2

Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss polystrate trees, polystrate jellyfish, polystrate tadpoles, and many other kinds of polystrate fossils including vertically buried leaves, a mesosaur buried in varves, a whale in diatoms, a school of whales vertically through four strata, an organism's delicate spines radiating through solid rock strata, nautiloids standing on their points in solid limestone, a school of perch, a dinosaur footprint, and three-dimensional trilobites.