How the Church Should Respond to the Crime Epidemic Pt. 1

Billy Graham's vs. Joel Osteen's homes* How Christians Can Minimize School Shootings: Today's program is part 1 of a 3-part series on the list of ways in which the church can actively work toward ending America's crime epidemic. See the list below!

* Billy Graham's vs Joel Osteen's Houses: See photos, right.

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* Tools for Understanding the Bible: Bob Enyart talks hermeneutics and basic principles necessary for a Christian to be a helpful influence in their world.

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Pt 1 How the Church Should Respond to the Crime Epidemic
Pt 2 How the Church Should Respond to the Crime Epidemic
Pt 3 How the Church Should Respond to the Crime Epidemic

* List of Ways: How should the Church respond to a crime epidemic? We could positively affect the culture, including by lowering crime and reducing school shootings, if only our leaders would aggressively teach a Christian worldview that properly addresses the following:

- Don’t judge: Stop repeating this false teaching that warps and even silences the influence of millions of Christians.
- Forgive everyone: Stop repeating this false teaching that makes repentance superfluous and leads to corruption, crime, and murder in society, and makes much of the Bible irrelevant including Jesus’ teaching in Luke 17:3.
- Governmental vengeance: Vengeance belongs to the Lord and so God He has delegated vengeance and wrath to governing officials (Romans 13:1-4) to bring against criminals yet the church undermines God’s purpose.
- Personal vengeance: Filling the vengeance vacuum, as the church has undermined God’s purpose for the government to exact vengeance, there is an explosion of personal vengeance, ubiquitous in films, television, video games, and novels, so that from mean girls in high school, to road rage and rottenness online, to all-out murderous violence and school shootings, personal revenge could be its own genre.
- Can’t vs. Won’t: Liberals have long tried to make it so that men can’t commit crime, instead of that they won’t commit crime. So as conservatives become ever more liberal-like, in 2018 rather than focus on the actual underlying problems, their putting a band-aid on a symptom with their focus on armed teachers and security guards. There’s nothing wrong with effective security, but that’s something you do on your day off, when you’re not actually working on resolving the underlying issues that lead to society’s dysfunction.
- Capital punishment: The death penalty is at the heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and capital punishment is supported throughout the New Testament. When Christian leaders join liberals in opposing the death penalty, they undermine both the Gospel and America’s criminal justice.
- Swift execution: The Bible is a criminal justice textbook. Through God's Criminal Justice System, He promises that swift justice will end a crime epidemic when the sentence against a criminal is executed speedily. (A tenner, that is, a ten-year prison term, cannot be executed speedily as can flogging and execution, which should be swift and painful.)
- Government schools: If the Israelites would have sent their children off to be educated by the godless Philistines, God would have killed the parents. Today, He’s operating differently (thankfully), but it is reckless nonetheless to send a child to our officially godless public schools.
- Godless schools: Even if we put prayer and Bible study back into public schools, they would still be immoral, because God never authorized the government to educate children, and when bureaucrats usurp that authority, parents relinquish that authority, and millions become uninvolved in their kids’ education. So instead of getting prayer into the schools, get your kid out.
- Homeschool instead: One couple told Bob they couldn’t afford to homeschool and the next week he saw the wife with braces on her teeth. Cost of her smile, $7,000. Cost to her child, one soul.
- Liberal brainwashing: The public school curriculum, over 20 hours a week and 13 years, has an overall goal of turning your child into a liberal, leftist, pro-evolution, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, possibly transgendered, conservative-hating Democratic voter. (I would have said they have the goal of getting your child to turn against God, but that doesn’t seem to affect most Pastors and parents.)
- Sexual immorality: Christians have become desensitized to the criminal nature of sex outside of marriage, which is not only sin but also a crime. For 3,500 years in Judeo-Christian legal history, since Moses through Jesus and Paul, adultery and other forms of sex outside of marriage were and still should be criminal. Living in a sexualized society damages human beings, adding to the instability of those already destabilized, including student murderers.
- Ubiquitous pornography: Led for decades by Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson who served catastrophically on the President's Commission on Pornography, Christians have forgotten that it should be criminal to traffic in human sexuality and that sex outside of marriage is inherently criminal. As with homosexuality and the killing of unborn children, Dr. Dobson recommended the "regulation" of pornography, as though there is a way it should be done. And with Christian leaders thus affirming the legitimacy of pornography, of course, there was no shortage of others who made it even more destructive and available at every moment and to everyone, including students.
- Tolerating homosexuality: All forms of sexual immorality, and homosexuality worse than most, are dehumanizing and lead people to think and act as though they were just animals. Tolerance is a bogus value since when we have to tolerate something, that thing isn't ever something good, for we never "tolerate" what is good, but what is gross. A superfluous list tracks Christian leaders and organizations who hate their neighbor by their increasing affirmation of homosexuality. 
- Evolved animals: Convincing children that they evolved leads them to act like animals who have no eternal consequences and to conclude that the Book of Genesis is mythological. Alternatively, convincing anyone of the evidence for a young earth provides them with a 100% effective vaccine against atheism.
- No-fault divorce: While marriage is the most fundamental contract upon which civilization is built, our godless society, lawmakers, and leaders have diminished it into the only contract that can be violated without legal consequence.
- Socialism is theft: Socialism, including welfare and Medicaid, violates God's enduring command, Do not steal and so that alone warps the moral compass of kids growing up in America. (Relevantly, each Republican administration since WW2 has outspent the previous Democrat administration including in domestic spending, with President Donald Trump bringing us into the age of trillion-dollar annual deficits including fully funding Planned Parenthood.)
- Abortion kills: Decriminalized abortion feeds our culture of violence and of death, including our education culture, and yet Church leaders are evidently more willing to tolerate Planned Parenthood than the abolitionist Christians who fight to save every child.
- Abortion class: Public schools won't give an aspirin to a student without notifying parents, but they transport girls during school hours for invasive surgery to kill the parents' grandchild. Government schools are the enemy.
- Republican abortion: In his first year as president Donald Trump nominated to the Supreme Court Neil Gorsuch who agrees with the central holding of Roe v. Wade that the unborn child is not a person and with the approval of the court can be legitimately killed. President Trump has also fully funded the Planned Parenthood abortion industry at Barack Obama levels, with approximately $1.5 billion dollars over three years, all of which has been met with either approval, or at most, silence, from Christian leaders, as though they hate him and despise his eternal soul, and care nothing for the teenagers growing up in America's Republican-led death culture. (The Roe v. Wade abortion decision was written by a Republican justice, passed by a Republican majority, and ever since upheld by the Republican-majority court, with every single Reagan, GHWB, GWB, and Trump nominee supporting the central holding of Roe, that the unborn child is not a person and does not have a right to life.)
- Entertainment culture: Violence, humanism, animal rights, godlessness, nihilism, hedonism, materialism, meaninglessness, utter futility, and atheistic eternal emptiness, sold to our children through the culture, boomerangs back in criminal activity. Video game makers, for example, who provide simulation training on how to kill police officers and others, should be vulnerable to lawsuits from victims. Certainly, many such games provide training to and can make minors more effective school shooters.
- Mental illness: Mental illness in minors and adults is exacerbated by our sexualized culture and by the over-prescription of psychotropic drugs, both problems that the media refuses to investigate, including the high percentage of school shooters on Ritalin, etc. Of course, like the government schools, the mainstream media is the enemy.
- The Gospel: Preaching the gospel isn't only a faith issue. It's a domestic tranquility issue and a national security issue.

If you are unsure of the biblical validity of any of the above matters, we strongly recommend that you get our Hermeneutics seminar recording which presents 16 tools, in prioritized order, for interpreting the Bible.