
The Age of Accountability

* Crawling Before We Can Walk: The tiniest children, through their own fathers, have all inherited spiritual death from Adam. And as the Bible also teaches, God would of course never punish a child for the sin of her father. So no one who ever dies, let alone a child, would be sent to hell because of what is called "original sin" inherited from Adam. But people are judged, each one, for their own rebellion. For as God insists:

Holidays and the Christmas Tree Pt. II

* Some Christians Have Been Taught: that because there are pagan symbols and origins for various Christmas and Easter traditions, therefore believers should not celebrate such religious feast days, should not use pagan terminology, and should certainly not partake in any custom that has pagan roots.

Holidays, Holiness, and the Christmas Tree

* Why God Likes the Christmas Tree: Some Christians Have Been Taught: because there are pagan symbols and origins for various Christmas and Easter traditions, therefore believers should not celebrate such religious feast days, should not use pagan terminology, and should certainly not partake in any custom that has pagan roots.

Blood-sucking Australian Land Leech

* Crimes Crying Out for a Flogging: Punishment by flogging is the only just and workable solution to America’s much needed tort reform.

Would You Sell Your Pirated Songs?

* You: Would You Sell the Songs You Pirated? Sadly, many Christians refuse to admit that they are wrong to download pirated software, music, and movies. They are stealing intellectual property. And except for the hardest of hearts, there is a way to convince Christians who steal copyrighted material that doing so dishonors God.

ARTL's Vigilante Worksheet Qs 12-18

* What Factors Show Valid Civilian Use of Force: After the murder of abortionist George Tiller, Bob Enyart discusses questions twelve through eighteen from American RTL's Vigilantism Worksheet. Can you identify the factors that determine when a civilian's use of force is justified or unjustified? Where is the threshold between self defense and vigilantism?

Jim from Denver Upset about Katrina

Special Edition of Real Science Radio

* Jim from Denver Upset at Bob over Katrina: Is angry at Bob Enyart and Doug McBurney for saying that Hurricane Katrina was not a judgment from God but a random storm. Christians often confuse superstition with spiritual maturity. God does not crash cars and planes in order to show how loving He is by saving some of the passengers. God is not a Bible version of the pagan Zeus who hit people with lightning bolts, for if that were true, the evidence is that lightning rods have ruined that kind of divine aim.

* Scurvy and Plane Crashes: And if a sailor broke out with scurvy because as punishment for his wayward life, then the vitamin C in a lime now prevents divine retribution. When God actually does miracles, like the parting of the Red Sea, restoring sight to the blind, and the raising of Lazarus, even unbelievers acknowledge the miracles. Today, alleged miracles are claimed by true believers only. Drunk drivers often survive while killing innocent young victims, and research would show that Christian passengers have no greater survival rate than atheists in plane crashes. If a plane came straight down at a thousand miles an hour and was demolished, and four hundred passengers survived standing unhurt at the crash site, that would be a miracle. God can do miracles, but the "miracles" flippantly claimed by so many discredit the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And what's worse, those who speak for God without authority and wrongly attribute murder, disaster, and judgments to God are ignoring the warnings against such in Scripture and instead are behaving like Job's accusers Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, and like the religiously superstitious men whom the Lord corrected in Luke 13:1-5.

Practice Bible Verses

* Bob Enyart and Doug McBurney: discuss the big news of the day! It's NOT Homeland Security comparing pro-lifers and veterans to terrorists, and it's NOT Doug comparing Bob to Bill Clinton! It's...

Hermeneutics! Bible Study Tools

* Hierarchy of 16 Hermeneutics: a hermeneutic is a tool for understanding the Bible. Proper hermeneutics are invaluable. At Bob Enyart's April 29th seminar in Denver's famous Brown Palace hotel, we'll study this prioritized list of hermeneutics:
God: existence, eternity, and entity (i.e., the Godhead)
His Story: the plot, or storyline, of the Bible (grasping the Bible's overview is the key to its details)