
Headlines Bob & Doug Style

* $17,459 of $40,000 Telethon Goal: Please help and pray and please call 1-800-8Enyart!

* Headlines with Bob Enyart & Doug McBurney
- Protectionism & Tariffs: Do you support or oppose Obama's protectionism and trade tariff imposed on importers of automobile tires? Is your position biblical?

Obama 'Created or Saved' but NOT God

* The Liberal Media Claims: that some guy named Obama has "Saved or Created" not once, now twice, but over and over again, thousands, if not 150,000 times! Yet the mainstream media continues to deny that Jesus Christ has created us, and saved us, if only we will humble ourselves, acknowledge our sin, and trust in His death and resurrection.

Pelosi: More Kids Not Wanted Right Now

* Feminists like Nancy Pelosi Want Fewer Children: on this BEL show hear Pelosi tell ABC that because babies need health care, and boys and girls need education, that overall kids are an economic burden to state budgets.

* Socialists View People as Liabilities: those who prefer freedom and advocate enforcement of Thou shall not steal view human beings as assets; socialists view people as burdens and liabilities. On ABC yesterday Pelosi, speaking not at all about abortion, refused to apologize for saying that America would be better off economically, as least for now, with fewer children. From ABC's THIS WEEK:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?

NANCY PELOSI: Family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. ...the contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

BOB ENYART: Abortion turns the hearts of women against children. George, she should apologize for what she is saying about kids, that America will be better off with fewer children.

STEPHANOPOULOS (to Pelosi): So no apologies for that?

PELOSI: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.

ENYART: George, feminism makes women ugly. Feminists been advocating killing unborn children for so long, they've grown to see children as the enemy.

PELOSI: I'm not going to sit... [inaudible]

[Cut to commercial]

Original: Miller on BEL

[The re-airing of this interview, with Newsweek's Lisa Miller on her cover story on homosexual marriage, on Dec. 24th skips unrelated news stories from the opening to the debate more quickly. In this original, Lisa appears 20 minutes in...]

* George Bush Admits Abandoning His Principles: Before interviewing Newsweeks' Lisa Miller on her cover story on homosexual marriage, Bob aired CNN audio of George W. Bush saying, "I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system."

* Miller Advocates Homosexual Marriage: as expected, but why did Lisa Miller resist answering Bob's question about homosexuality itself? This Newsweek writer's obvious careful preparation for her article and the routine fact-checking of the magazine's editors did not prevent them from publishing this falsehood in Miller's Dec. 15, 2008 article, Our Mutual Joy: "nowhere in the Bible do its authors refer to sex between women." The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:26-27 of the vile passion of women with women, likewise of men with men who leave the natural use of the woman and burn in their lust for one another. Lisa knew from her careful analysis of four sentences, Romans 1:26-32, that Scripture condemned not only male homosexuality but also lesbianism. (This kind of error is similar to Colin Powell's intentional misreport to the United Nations on Iraq's use of aluminum tubes for WMD.) But revealing her bias to misrepresent Scripture, Ms. Miller included the incorrect information, defending herself when challenged by Bob Enyart by passing the buck and saying that's what the Anchor Bible Dictionary says: "nowhere in the Bible do its authors refer to sex between women." Bob pointed out that hundreds of authors (800) contributed to the Anchor Dictionary's thousands of entries (6,000) and this fact was thereby overlooked, but shouldn't have been by Lisa Miller who hopefully will correct this error given the opportunity in the future.

7 News Tonight, Fox 31 Tomorrow

* Bob Enyart is scheduled to appear:
Tonight on ABC's 7News about the atheist billboards going up in Denver. In the interview, Bob added, verbally and in a Photoshop image, the words, "signed -God" to the billboard's text, "Don't believe in God? You are not alone." Signed, "-God!" Reposition the opposition when possible.
Tomorrow on Fox 31 around 9:45 a.m. with Dan Caplis' Denver radio co-host Craig Silverman.

* BEL Applies for Government Bailout: Using this online form, Bob Enyart Live filled out the two-page application and requested a $1.8 billion bail out. Bob goes through the questions on the application and fills them out on air!

Save Detroit, Destroy the Earth

* Doug McBurney Liberated by Republican Socialism: Bob Enyart's former frequent co-host has the luxury to sit in studio and co-host today's show! McBurney is the latest victim of Bush League Economics, with the Republican administration overseeing a trillion dollars in bail outs, government ownership of banking, new black-hole entitlement programs, wealth transfer from young families to retirees, faith-based welfare distribution (with a cut going to the church), etc. All of this, a.k.a.