* Public School Biology Teachers Resist Darwinism: Real Science Radio co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart discuss Ken Ham's Summer 2011 Answers magazine. But the first two stories are from even more current stories:
- Universal Atheistic Contradiction -- Atheist Pasta Dogma Denies Dogma: This member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster made the Austrian government look foolish by getting them to issue his drivers license with a photo of him with a pasta strainer on his head. Atheist Niko Alm affirms the self-refuting claim of many non-Christians that "the only dogma... is the rejection of dogma."
More RSR Topics:
- 60% of U.S. Public School Biology Teachers: do not endorse Darwinism; see Science, AiG, and RSR.
- [Update: Also, 60% of U.S. medical doctors believe that intelligent design plays a role in the origin of humans and a third outright prefer intelligent design.]
- Shark GPS: Fred is an engineer at a GPS applications firm and this ability in sharks is a testimony to God's genius and a challenge to the atheist's noodle.
- Instincts: How do instincts, in babies, spiders, birds, kangaroo rats and sea turtles refute Darwinism?
* Flying Spaghetti Monster Church Backfires: In another example of life imitating art, the atheist Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster comes full circle! Atheists claim that the Christian belief in God is absurd so they try to illustrate that by pretending themselves to believe in something absurd: the Flying Spaghetti Monster. However it turns out that atheists actually do believe in the flying spaghetti monster, i.e., they believe what they themselves admit is absurd. How so?
* Atheists Really Do Believe in This Stuff: Virtually 100% of atheists believe in aliens. Because of the assumed trillions of planets that could support life (and because of the assumed trillions of universes of the Antrhopic Principle's multiverse) atheists believe aliens will evolve forms of virtually infinite variety (which by the way disproves the claim that Darwinism is falsifiable). With the typical atheist claim (as with the origin of life) that anything that is possible given enough time becomes probable, therefore, atheists really do believe in flying spaghetti-like monsters. And they would characterize them as monsters, frightening creatures, as Stephen Hawking has warned us to avoid aliens should we happen upon them because they are very possibly going to be mean. And NASA-affiliated scientists at Penn State University have suggested that aliens might destroy mankind because of global warming. Therefore out of fear we should dedicate our lives to Mother Earth so that the Flying Spaghetti Monsters will not damn us to everlasting darkness. After all, if you don't stand with God, you'll fall for anything. So, unwittingly acknowledging the absurdity of their own beliefs, atheists REALLY DO believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.