Source: radio-locator.comCOLORADO: Bob Enyart Live, Theology Thursday, and Real Science Radio (on Fridays) air on the 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT in Colorado at 3 p.m. weekdays. (Physics note: The lower on the AM dial, the further the same power will carry the signal, so at 670 AM, our programs are heard over a greater area, see map, than the Rush Limbaugh affiliate, AM 850 KOA.) As published by the industry standard source for radio station coverage maps, see KLTT's coverage area (shown below and over at, which shows that the BEL broadcast covers most of Colorado and reaches into four neighboring states.
BEL Saturdays: Enjoy the BEL reruns on KLTT at 8:00 p.m.
BEL Late-nights: KLTT re-airs the daily Bob Enyart Live program weeknights at 11:30.
Theology Thursday: Theology Thursday is hosted right here online at and the home of Bob Enyart Live! It airs each Thursday in all the BEL airtime slots and on our podcast and is the source of content for, which links right back here to, where we present select Bible studies and sermons from Bob Enyart andDenver Bible Church. Enjoy!
KLTT reception testKLTT Reception Test Beats KOA: Click to hearBob Enyart and Doug McBurney air the two-minute recording of our broadcast reception test from Berthoud, Colorado (see map). Our 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT blowtorch of the Rockies beats out Denver's KOA, KNUS, and KHOW radio stations.
Real Science Radio: airs every Friday in each BEL airtime slot: live at 3 p.m. MT and on the Saturday and late-night Colorado broadcast reruns. It also airs live and 24/7 on our podcast, and is rebroadcast on shortwave radio each weekend on Saturday and Sunday evenings at 6:30, 9:30 and 12:30 a.m. ET. on shortwave frequencies 5850 and 7455.
RSR Expansion Plans: The RSR co-hosts are hoping to find an underwriter to sponsor us on a Portland radio station for only $10,000 for a year of broadcasts!
If you want BEL: to stay on the radio, please consider donating or subscribing or getting our fun and educational BEL resources.
Live Streaming: of Bob Enyart Live, Theology Thursday, and Real Science Radio from,, and, at 5 p.m. eastern time
Daily Podcast: Get the latest BEL, Theology Thursday, and Real Science Radio shows automatically by Podcast to your PC, notebook, iPod, PocketPC, or MP3 player
Roku Player: Get the 10 most recent podcasts on the Roku Player on the iTunes channel (code ITPC)
If you want BEL: to continue podcasting and uploading new daily shows to the Internet, please consider donating or subscribing or getting our fun and educational BEL resources!
Alexa for BEL: Just say, "Alexa, Open Bob Enyart Live". Or you can click to Enable the Skill right from Amazon's site or search for the skill on the Alexa app. Oops! As of October 2019, Amazon was considering canceling this feature. See
ADVERTISE ON BEL: It's rewarding, eternally and temporally, and we really need your support to keep broadcasting!
On Bob Enyart Live on Colorado's KLTT broadcast, $295/month, $2,500/year
On our Real Science Radio program broadcast, $295/month, $2,500/year
On KLTT and KGOV (or RSR), $350month, $3,500/year (includes links, archives, etc.)
A link on the KGOV or RSR website home page $195/year; on a sub-page, $295 for a decade
A banner ad on the KGOV homepage right column $495/year; subpages $295/year
Interviews: BEL includes frequent debates with prominent advocates of many controversial issues including with theoretical physicist (emphasis on the theoretical) Lawrence Krauss, evolutionists like NCSE’s Eugenie Scott, Scientific American’s Michael Shermer, a bit of a spat with Jurassic Park's real-world paleontologist Jack Horner, and with PZ Myers, and hundreds of other significant interviews with physicists, biologists, geologists, astronomers, atheists, abortionists, homosexuals, libertarians, journalists, Christian leaders and atheists. And Bob has been interviewed hundreds of times by U.S. TV and radio hosts, by the BBC and Al Jezeera, and Bob’s work has been reported on from USA Today to People magazine. Many Associated Press and Reuters stories about the program and its host have hit the wire services. The Times-Warner nationally-syndicated TV program XTRA has profiled Bob and he appears in E!'s biography of O.J. Simpson. Enyart has appeared on Court TV discussing the death penalty for Scott Peterson, and on Fox News Channel’s The O’Reilly Factor defending spanking, and has been interviewed by Sean Hannity, and has appeared for hours on MS-NBC including regarding his burning of O.J. Simpson’s memorabilia on the steps of the L.A. courthouse to propose fundamental reforms to America's criminal justice system, which is one of the themes in BEL programming. See Bob's biography at
* Ability to Earn Ratings & Style of Confrontation: Nielsen ratings for the Bob Enyart Live TV program documented the ability to draw a larger audience than NBC's Conan O'Brien on at least a couple nights each week. Nielsen compiled this data from the Notre Dame TV market in South Bend, Indiana which is one of the top 100 markets in America. At times, the program also outperformed Tom Snyder on CBS. The show also did well against Entertainment Tonight and Fox's Northern Exposure and Married with Children, and it blew away Masterpiece Theater on PBS.
Bob Enyart Live 'turns off' some believers, but when the program was on television, more non-believers tuned in to BEL than to any other Christian show according to the Nielsen ratings reports. Why would so many folks, including unbelievers, tune in to a show that some have called rude? Perhaps it is because the loving but mushy, "Brother, bless you for calling," is not the mainstay of the program. Many Christians expect that approach, which is an unnecessary turn off to most of the population. That surely is one reason heathens do not listen to Christians. There is only so much niceness a person can stand. And all along, everyone thought the unbelievers were tuning out because they were not spiritual. But it turns out that many tune out Christian broadcasting because it is overly spiritual.