RSR: List of Not So Old Things Pt. 2

* Conclusion of the List: Today's program concludes last week's Part 1 of RSF's 2012 List of Not So Old Things which discussed the first half of these spectacular discoveries of dinosaur soft tissue, Adam & Eve in DNA, 3rd stage super novas, and carbon 14 everywhere it shouldn't be! Real Science Friday co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart observe their annual tradition by updating their growing list of scientific observations that challenge those who claim that the earth is millions of years old. Many of these scientific finds demand a re-evaluation of supposed billion-year ages:

* The Grand Canyon is Missing Millions of Years of Evidence of Erosion (and deposition) Here, Here, and Here: According to evolutionary geologists, there are MORE THAN 100 MILLION YEARS MISSING in the extraordinarily regular and straight layers of the Grand Canyon! Supposed geological layers entirely missing from the beautifully formed Grand Canyon strata include the Ordovician and the Silurian. The flat boundaries between strata provide hard evidence proving that millions of years of erosion DID NOT OCCUR, and that therefore, those millions of years DID NOT PASS, neither in the canyon nor anywhere on Earth, for they are an atheistic fiction.

* The Missing Big Bang Shadow: The missing "shadow" of the Big Bang from behind nearby galaxies is a prediction of biblical creationism. Yet the Astrophical Journal reported that no shadow was detected after averaging measurements from NASA data for 31 galaxy clusters. As a Huntsville, Alabama scientist Dr. Richard Lieu stated, "Either... the Big Bang is blown away or ... there is something else going on'." Other evidence consistent with a not-so-old universe includes connected galaxies, galaxy clusters, the missing gas and dust of intracluster medium (ICM) in globular clusters of hundreds of thousands of stars purportedly emitting matter from solar winds for billions of years, and nearby blue stars!

Accelerator Mass Spectrometer* Carbon-14 Found Everywhere It's Not Supposed To Be (even in "dinosaur era" fossils): Carbon-14 decays in only thousands of years and therefore cannot last for millions. Thus evolutionists did not expect to find C-14 EVERYWHERE it shouldn't be if the earth were old (Answers Jan - Mar 2011). Carbon-14 is found in petrified wood, coal, oil, limestone, graphite, natural gas, amber, marble, dinosaur fossils, and even in supposedly billion-year-old diamonds! A secondary assumption by old-earth scientists proposed that the C-14 in diamonds (coal, etc.) must have come from C-13 and neutron capture. Calculations can falsify this claim as Dr. Jonathan Sarfati argues, for scarce crustal radioactivity could explain less than one 10,000th of the C-14 in diamonds, and similarly, there would have to be thousands of times more uranium, thorium, etc. throughout the earth's crust everywhere that these globally dispersed materials are found.) That Mosasaur (above, shown by researchers to have original biological material and not  contamination, also contained five percent modern carbon! Radiocarbon also exists even in supposedly million-year-old two-mile deep natural gas wells (CRSQ Fall 2007): "Once again, fossil gas is not carbon-14 dead. Thus, the age of the gases is on the order of thousands, not millions of years.” See RSR 3-28-08. C-14 in specimens supposedly millions or a billion years old is so ubiquitous that it is longer an anomaly. And while old-earthers had hoped they could attribute it to contamination, Dr. John Baumgardner, of Los Alamos National Labs has documented in Dec, 2010 Creation Matters that C-14 exists even in the hardest naturally-occurring, contamination-resistant substance on earth, within diamonds. The earth is young.

* RSR Offers $23,000 Grant to Paleontologist Jack Horner for C-14 Test: You can listen to our Real Science Radio conversation with famed paleontologist Jack Horner, curator at Montana State University's Museum of the Rockies, who excavated the above soft tissue T. rex. Bob offered Jack Horner a $23,000 grant to carbon date his specimen. (See also the grant letter.)

* Contrasting Peer-Reviewed Studies Have Carbon Dated Dinosaurs: Saving RSR a lot of money, scientists have begun reporting carbon dating of dinosaur fossils.
- The PLoS One 2008 study that claimed that dinosaur tissue was only "bacterial biofilm" was the first of these two studies to carbon date dinosaur fossils and the researches found plenty of modern carbon. Of course, COMPLETELY CONSISTENT with their paper's primary claim (now shown to be false), they attributed the 14C to recent contamination.
- Later, a separate study also found 14C in a dinosaur fossil but they interpreted it in a manner INCONSISTENT with their primary find (repeated confirmed). As mentioned above, PLoS One reported in 2011 that the carbon in an allegedly 80-million year old mosasaur is five percent carbon-14, which they then claim, somewhat contrary to their primary finding, that the 14C must be from contamination. This runs counter to their conclusion that the biological material in the small bone IS NOT from contamination and has survived for 80 million years, but that the modern carbon IS from contamination, which contamination would not make preservation of original biological material for 80 million years more likely, but even more exceedingly unlikely.

* See also: the other topics we've covered on Real Science Radio's List of Not So Old Things including:

* Things No Longer Claimed to have Occurred Over Millions of Years such as:
- Regional-flood carved Scablands
- 30-minute Heart Mountain Detachment
- Lihir Gold Deposit
- Box Canyon in Idaho

* Things that Strongly Challenge Million-Year Claims such as:
- Seven layers of Jellyfish Fossils
- Yellowstone's Petrified Trees
- Carlsbad Cavern's Removed Sign
- Honeybees that still communicate,
- Allegedly 150 Million Year Old Squid Ink!
- Manganese nodule rapid formation
- mtDNA shows that "Eve" lived about 6,000 years ago
- Y-chromosomal Adam lived even more recently
- Genome history of man, kangaroos, worms, chimps, and sponges undermine Darwinism
- Spiral galaxies still look beautifully "wound up"
- Missing Stage 3 supernova remnants
- Transient nature of Saturn's rings
- Earth's magnetic field decaying exponentially
- Polystrate fossils falsify million-year deposition of strata
- Deposits can harden into marble or sandstone rapidly
- Death Valley volcano that didn't erupt before the formation of the earth
- Allegedly billion-year-old unracemized amino acids that have still not returned to their inanimate 50/50 ratio!

Today's Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI’s tremendous Creation magazine and Ken Ham's Answers magazine!  (And you can order Darwin's Dilemma DVD by calling BEL at 1-800-8Enyart.)