
Laurie Roth for President

* KGOV Interviews Laurie Roth: Best selling Author Gregg Jackson and our own BEL producer Darrell Birkey fill in for Bob and interview brand new presidential candidate Laurie Roth.  Mrs. Roth is a strong conservative Christian and has her own radio show.

Judge This!

* Judge Rightly: Doug puts Judge Darrell Birkey on the spot. Find out if Darrell’s narrow Biblical interpretation of crime and punishment is up to the task of judging right from wrong.

GOP Re-registers as Democratic Party

Tune in Tomorrow to Hear Birther Orly Taitz on BEL!

* Rohrbough on Nightline; Curtis on AFA Radio
: This week, ARTL president and Columbine dad Brian Rohrbough was on a half-dozen news outlets including ABC's Nightline and Good Morning America regarding the article in Oprah's magazine mentioned below, and tomorrow Iowa's #1 radio show Deace in the Afternoon will interview Brian to respond to the Southern Baptist Convention's ethics expert Richard Land

Don't Tell Kids Thomas Jefferson was a Godly Man

The blasphemous Jefferson Bible, click for full image
Photo: Tim Evanson, Flickr

* Jefferson Hated Jesus Christ: Jefferson described the four Evangelists, namely, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as "feeble minds" and "groveling authors." In his condensed version of Scripture, called