
* A Hero Mother Worthy of Your Support: Join Bob and Doug in helping Regina, a godly single mother. You can help (by clicking on gofundme.com/homeschooling-mother) Regina and her five great kids get through this difficult time. (Twelve Hour Update: Twelve hours after showtime, $950 of her $2,000 goal met; later $2,400! Thank you guys! Twelve Month Update: Mom is married!)


Regina's (awesome) family


Regina homeschool mom!




Regina homeschool mom!




Regina homeschool mom!



Also on today's BEL program:

* Alex Jones’ Locker: Bob and co host Doug McBurney celebrate the fall of Alex Jones (for his own sake).

* A Shameful Affair: An adulterer in Georgia has been ordered to pay his adulterous liason’s husband 8 million dollars. Find out why he got off cheap and should've paid with his life.