* Dr. Carl Werner's Museum Exposé: On Real Science Radio, Dr. Carl Werner exposes widespread museum bias. Bob Enyart talks to Dr. Werner about how museums ignore the 432 mammal species (now 433) excavated by paleontologists from dinosaur layers. Carl also explains how evolutionists systematically give different species names, and even different genus names, to the fossil and living animals that appear identical. (Note: For each of Dr. Werner's DVDs, he also has written a book of the same title.)
For today's show Real Science Radio recommends
Dr. Carl Werner's DVDs, Living Fossils and
its prequel Evolution, the Grand Experiment!
* By the Book -- Living Fossils: Of about 100 side-by-side comparisons of often identical-looking fossil organisms and their living counterparts in Dr. Werner's Living Fossils book, about 85 percent of the time evolutionists have assigned the organisms completely different scientific species and genus names. In the cases where the living and fossil organisms share the same genus name but have different species names, oftentimes they appear to be virtually identical, as with magnolia trees, redwoods, etc. And with the approximately 15% of creatures that have the same species names in his book, both of Dr. Werner's observations above hold, and especially, that countless modern organisms lived, and were buried, with dinosaurs! Of course, such Darwinist bias provides the illusion of evolution, since then the reader/student assumes there must have been such great change over the alleged millions of years, that it was necessary to classify the creature under two completely different genera.
* Regarding Living and Fossil Plants: Dr. Werner quotes Dr. Peter Crane of the Royal Botanic Gardens in London about plant fossils excavated from dinosaur-layer strata: "I always think about the late Cretaceous, that if you were there... the vegetation would have looked really very much like today: Dogwoods, tulip trees, magnolias, and so on..."
* See Online Carl Werner's List of Living Fossils: Dr. Werner's List of Living Fossils was put online by RSR with the help of ICR's Brian Thomas. While Wikipedia's list of these "Lazarus" fossils is helpful, Carl's list is even more valuable because it records which layer or layers (i.e., "periods" or systems), the Triassic, Jurassic, or Cretaceous, that a fossil was excavated from. Our online list is nothing but text, whereas Dr. Werner's DVD has the highest production value and his hardcovered Living Fossils work is as beautiful as any coffee table book. Both the DVD and the book are filled with stunning photographs documenting the fossils and the living organisms. RSR highly recommends both of these valuable resources! You can purchase the beautiful Living Fossils book and DVD by clicking those links!
* Post-show Update on the Pygmy Whale Living Fossil: A few months after we aired this program, yet another living fossil was discovered, the Pygmy Whale, a member of "a group thought to have gone extinct 2 million years ago." This LiveScience article is also interesting for its acknowledgement of the extremely flexible methodology evolutionists use to try to show common descent. For example, note how Darwinists could select from DNA, or the shape of the snout, or to general similarities in the fossil record, or specifically to the skull, to make a claim of what evolved from what:
[1] DNA analysis suggested pygmy right whales diverged from modern baleen whales... between 17 million and 25 million years ago. However, the pygmy [2] whales' snouts suggested they were more closely related to the family of whales that includes the bowhead whale. Yet there were [3] no studies of fossils showing how the pygmy whale had evolved, Marx said. To understand how the pygmy whale fit into the lineage of whales, Marx and his colleagues carefully [4] analyzed the skull bones and other fossil fragments from pygmy right whales and several other ancient cetaceans.
This illustrates the widely quoted observation made by Walter ReMine, which we asked him about on RSR: that evolution theory is more like a fog. A fog settles on the landscape. Neo-Darwinism is not a theory that can be tested. Rather, you throw data at it, and the theory simply morphs around the data. As ReMine put it, "Evolutionary theory adapts to data like fog adapts to landscape."
* Crinoids: National Geographic writes, "Except to the expert, stalked crinoids... look little different whether 200 million years old (left), or 500 million, or a month old and alive in today's seas."
* Graptolites? Dr. Henry Morris wrote in 2000, "Graptolites have been considered in the past to be index fossils for the Ordovician period, 300 million years old. Yet they recently were found still living in the south Pacific." So today scientists can study their life cycles!
* Lingula anatina (brachiopod): Accessed Nov. 28, 2020 on Wikipedia, "Lingula is often called a "living fossil", as very similar genera have been found all the way back to the Ordovician."

* Evolutionists Hate Function, Fine Tuning, and Living Fossils: 2016 Update. Mark Carnall of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History writes in The Guardian that "it’s unsurprising that creationists often use the example of living fossils in their arguments against evolution." Carnall concludes with, "a call to scientists, educators, documentary makers and journalists to retire the term." Likewise regarding fine-tuning, an agnostic over at Reddit writes, "To even use the term 'fine tuning' when discussing the universe itself... is an example of frequently used creationist dishonesty." This parallels the 2011 article in the journal Bioessays, We need a new language for evolution... everywhere, which suggests that biologists should stop using terms like "design" and "function". So these evolutionists certainly would agree that the laws of physics and chemistry have no symbolic logic functions. Yet the genetic language of life is filled with symbols like the 3-to-1 representation of one amino acid by three genetic letters. Regardless, there is no way for materialists to even think about the question of how a genetic "code" might arise naturally. And finally, just fyi, RSR has added a prediction on all this to our rsr.org/creationist-predictions page.
* Creation Magazine on the 432 Mammal Species: From Creation magazine's interview of Carl Werner: "Paleontologists have found 432 mammal species in the dinosaur layers [now 433]; almost as many as the number of dinosaur species. … But where are these fossils? We visited 60 museums but did not see a single complete mammal skeleton from the dinosaur layers displayed at any of these museums. This is amazing."
* Another Stunning RSR Resource: From one of our classic RSR List Shows, click on this screenshot (updated to 110+ papers) to see...
* RSR Shows about Dr. Carl Werner's Work:
- What Museums Aren't Showing You
- Rodhocetus: Whale of a Tail
- Dr. Carl Werner and the Living Fossils (this show)
- Many Modern Birds Found in Dinosaur Layers
- 2014 Breaking News: Whale Fossils Faked
- June 2015 is Whale Month on RSR
* Dr. Werner Compliments the RSR Dino Soft Tissue Page: Carl Werner complimented our DinosaurSoftTissue.com urging us to continue pressing the issue. We agree! With God's help, we'll continue to reach thousands of people with the web's most complete catalog of peer-reviewed journal papers confirming the existence of original biological tissue from dinosaurs!
* Leaf Shapes Identical for 190 Million Years? (2019 Update) RSR has been thinking about the article from Berkley.edu that, "Ginkgo biloba... dates back to... about 190 million years ago... fossilized leaf material from the Tertiary species Ginkgo adiantoides is considered similar or even identical to that produced by modern Ginkgo biloba trees... virtually indistinguishable..." The literature describes leaf shapes as "spectacularly diverse" sometimes within a species but especially across the plant kingdom. Because all kinds of plants survive with all kinds of different leaf shapes, the conservation of a species retaining a single shape over alleged deep time is a telling issue. Darwin's theory is undermined by the unchanging shape over millions of years of a species' leaf shape. This lack of change, stasis in what should be an easily morphable plant trait, supports the broader conclusion that chimp-like creatures did not become human beings and all the other ambitious evolutionary creation of new kinds are simply imagined. (Ginkgo adiantoides and biloba are actually the same species. Wikipedia states, "It is doubtful whether the Northern Hemisphere fossil species of Ginkgo can be reliably distinguished." For oftentimes, as pointed out above by Dr. Werner, paleontologists falsely speciate identical specimens, giving different species names (even different genus names) to the fossil and living animals that appear identical.)
* Hagfish Then and Now: Grossly identical, and allegedly over hundreds of millions of years. See that in a great article by ICR's Dr. Brian Thomas, Ph.D. in paleobiochemistry from the University of Liverpool.
* Horseshoe Crab Brains Unchanged: Allegedly, from 310 million years ago, but definitely from July 27, 2021 at phys.org of an arthropod: "The fossil's central nervous system is closely comparable to that of living horseshoe crabs and match up in their arrangement of nerves to the eyes and appendages. It also shows the same central opening for the esophagus to pass through. This is quite remarkable, given the substantial morphological and ecological diversification that has taken place in the group over the intervening 310 million years." University of New England Prof. John Paterson, one of the international team of scientists doing the research, continued, "We have been given a rare glimpse into the prehistoric past, allowing us to further our understanding of the biology and [RSR: stasis and non-] evolution of these long-extinct animals." See the paper in the journal Geology.
Today’s Resource: Get the fabulous Carl Werner DVD Living Fossils and his great prequel, Evolution: The Grand Experiment! And have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)!