* Do You Use Tripadvisor? If so, and if you like Bob's review of Genesis Expo, please give it a thumbs up! [This was created in August 2020.]

* So Please Consider Getting Our New Dinosaur Video: Jurassic: Dinosaurs are Young. All of Them. from Trey Smith and Bob Enyart, now available!
From Real Science Radio:
The Richard Dawkins 3-to-1 Evolution Challenge
Research in preparation for an upcoming debate led Bob Enyart and his associate Will Duffy to Oxford University in the United Kingdom. With the success of RSR's PZ Myers Trochlea Challenge (see the popular evolutionist's reply here), the guys decided to hand deliver a copy of this Dawkins 3-to-1 Challenge to the office of professor emeritus Richard Dawkins, who lectures there for a course titled, Science Literacy: Evolution for Non-Scientists.
* You're Invited to this Important Colorado RTL Event: On Saturday, Nov. 7th, Bob invites you to come on out to Colorado Right To Life's annual fall event, this time hosted at Denver Bible Church, for a 12:30 p.m. lunch seating and a 6:00 p.m. dinner seating for their Pasta Banquet and Mini Film Festival! Just register at ColoradoRTL.org. And if you're out of town, please call 1-888-888-CRTL or just go to their website to buy a ticket or a table for a pro-life activist family that would like to attend! Thank you!