For Once, A Righteous Political Calculation

* Praying for Iowa: With four of the major RE-publican candidates signing the Personhood pledge Bob and co-host Doug McBurney marvel at the joy of seeing the issue of Personhood becoming more visible every day. And now they’re struggling with which of the four to support based on purely political calculations.

* Alan Colmes Career Ender: After Alan Colmes makes fun of Karen & Rick Santorum’s loss of a newborn child named Gabriel, Colmes is still welcome on the mainstream networks. But despite his rehearsed apology, we hope his career is over.
Daniel 7-DVD Video Set

Today's Resource: Meet Daniel and his associates through this great BEL Bible study. You'll enjoy understanding this part of ancient Israel's history. Beginning almost 600 years before Christ, the extraordinary events in Daniel's life bring the past and the future into focus, from the politcal affairs of ancient kingdomsto the first and second comings of the messiah! And for our own age, Daniel shows how we should live boldly for the Lord both in our personal lives and as influencing government.

Enjoy this verse by verse study of the Book of Daniel available in this 7-DVD Video Set or in audio on MP3-CD or MP3 Download