
Bill, Hillary, and Obama All on BEL

* Eric Holder, You Will Write on the Blackboard 200 Times: Bob plays a clips of Obama's barely veiled threat to the Supreme Court not to rule Obama Care unconstitutional. In another audio clip, a federal judge orders Eric Holder and the Justice Department to explain their view on judicial review.

Ken Goes Scott Free

* Ken Scott Slays Goliath: Obama's Justice Department spent hundreds of thousands and sicced no less than five federal prosecutors on Ken Scott (and other prolifers) in an attempt to sue him in civil court for the "crime" of obstructing the entrance to Planned Parenthood even though obstruction is a criminal and not a civil matter.

Lose the Green Jobs; Win the Drug War

* Dept. of Energy's Solar Decathlon: From the My-Father-God-Can-Whoop-Your-Mother-Earth file -- Why is the green-jobs movement a dead end? Why is there a green jobs movement? Spend $500,000 an you can live in a shoe (but it's an allegedly energy efficient shoe).

Kerry Lee Morgan Debates Bob on States' Rights

* Do States have the Authority to De-criminalize Murder: Kerry Lee Morgan, a Michigan attorney, political candidate, and Ron Paul supporter, defends Ron Paul's philosophy that the federal government should be tolerant of the states decriminalizing the murder o

Superstition is No Joke!


* Major Submission: Bob and co-host  Doug McBurney are shocked to learn that Hillary Clinton was introduced at a Saudi Women's college by a professor with ties to radical Islam, (mostly they were shocked that there is actually a women's college in Saudi Arabia).

Doug Asks Bob the Big Three

Bob responds with biblical wisdom when co-host Doug McBurney asks his "three big questions of the week."

* First: Should the prosecution in a court of law be required to offer a detailed theory regarding exactly how the crime was committed? And what should be the standard to which a prosecution should be held?

The Real Christian Conspiracy

* Militants on a Mission: Guest host Doug McBurney reports on the concerns of representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D) Texas, that it is Christians, and not Moslems that might pose a greater threat to the laws of our nati