
"Michael Jackson was a homosexual child molester."

* Michael Jackson was a homosexual child molester." -Bob Enyart, Denver radio,

* Michael Jackson LiedVanity Fair (Sept. 1995) reported Santa Barbara district attorney Tom Sneddon's disclosure that Michael Jackson lied when he claimed that no marks on his genitals linked him with his young accuser's charges.

Nurse Maria Examines Wayne Besen

* Yuch! Gross: Nurse practitioner and BEL medical analyst becomes almost ill at the thought of examining Wayne Besen. Nurse Maria identifies the misinformation given out by homosexual queen of denial Wayne Besen last week here on KGOV. Maria especially criticized Besen for his dangerous medical misinformation that easily puts people at greater risk of disease and even death which stems from his rebellion against the most basic of truths as stated by Jesus that God made us male and female (Mark 10:6). See also the Center for Disease Control (a.k.a. the Seedy See) factsheet on disease spread by homosexuals. * Uganda Outwits the Condom Industrial Complex: A half-year after the UN's World Health Organization "has accepted that the threat of a global heterosexual [AIDS] pandemic has disappeared" ...