On the Farm with Thomas Dykstra, PhD Part II
*Non-Profit Farmers? Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Dr.
RSR'S Timesaving Google Creation Tool: Multiple Creation Site Search! Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything. RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page. |
*Non-Profit Farmers? Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Dr.
Field Trip: Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Dr. Thomas Dykstra to discuss Regenerative Agriculture, Bioelectromagnetics, the decline of efficient function in the creation, and solutions.
The Natural: Dr. Thomas M. Dykstra is a PhD entomologist and agricultural consultant, and the lab director at Dykstra Labs in Gainesville Florida. Dr. Dykstra received his Masters in entomology from the University of Florida, where he investigated the neurophysiology of pheromone production in moths. He then received a Ph.D. in insect bioelectromagnetics under Dr. Philip S. Callahan at Florida.
5G & Honeybees: Find out from the expert what's happening with the honey bees, and if it has anything to do with the electromagnetic energy associated with modern communications.
*Top 10 List: Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney review their list of the top 10 things people still believe, that science has proven wrong.
#10: Vestigial Organs - The most popular one growing up was the appendix, remember? Until this (from PubMed in 2016). And don't forget tonsils!
#9: GPS won’t work without Einsteinian relativity. It will, and does.
*Climate Depot: Listen in as Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Marc Morano founder of climatedepot.com who has appeared on numerous TV shows including Fox news, CNN and with Bill Nye the Fake Science Guy!
*The Warmest Year Ever? Here how statistical weaponization going back to Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" has been used to claim almost every year is the "hottest year on record" somewhere...
*Big Oil & the Paris Climate Accords: Find out why even the American Petroleum Institute wants to get on board with the "carbon capture" boondoggle, and why and how the president can and must get America out of global climate accords permanently!
Rupert Sheldrake, PhD: Real Science Radio's Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Dr. Rupert Sheldrake who earned his PhD in biochemistry from Cambridge, is an author or co-author of 15 books and more than 100 scientific papers, and is a brilliant, and humble man who believes that God is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Phase Shifting & Red Shifting: Hear about fudge factors and assumptions in the scientific world that Dr. Sheldrake calls the scientific equivalent of monetary "quantitative easing!"
*Sex Not Gender: Listen in as host Doug McBurney welcomes Nicole McBurney on to help us understand how linguists determine that words have a common ancestor, (and how
*This is Your Brain on: ...pretty much everything, and mostly that phone they call smart that has the potential to turn you into an idiot!
*Professing Dave: Check out our response to Professor Dave's response, to our rebuttal, to his attempt to debunk Special Creation!
*One Episode of RSR: = enough time to cover less than 10% of David James' mistaken claims and assertions. We got to 2 out of at least 29...
*David James' Carbon 14 Mistake: Professor Dave over at "David James Explains" on Youtube asked us to do the math on exactly how many half lives it would take to get to zero c-14 atoms in a gram of C-14, so we did the math! And we appreciate him giving us the opportunity to prove the point.
*David James' Antimatter Mistake: Professor Dave's flat-earther-like answer to the Big Bang's missing antimatter is really just a quantum fluctuated version of "nu-uuh." So we bring in others, (like FermiLab) with further evidence that the problem of the missing antimatter predicted by the big bang is, in fact, a problem for the theory.