Michael Brown and Bob Enyart Discuss Homosexual Marriage

* Syndicated Radio Host and Author: Dr. Michael Brown, of askdrbrown.org, talks with Bob Enyart about the state of the nation and the state of the church after something called the supreme court issued an opinion on something referred to as homosexual marriage. The men discuss the government's proper biblical role in marriage and the Christian's proper response to celebrated sexual immorality.

* KGOV Joins in Statement from Some Colorado Christian Leaders on Homosexual Marriage Opinion: We reject the court’s immoral and perverse opinion on homosexual marriage. The creator Jesus Christ said that God made us “male and female at the beginning of creation” and God instituted marriage between a man and a woman. All governing officials at every level of government should reject and ignore any and every attempt, whether legislative, by popular vote, or judicial, to redefine marriage. Likewise, all governing officials should reject Roe v. Wade and any and all other attempts to repeal God’s enduring command, Thou shall not murder.

"We just want to be left alone." Right. "In the public square, Christianity and homosexuality are mutually exclusive. One or the other will be in the closet", says Colorado Right To Life. A homosexual replied: "No really, we just want to be left alone. Oh yeah, and you better bake us a cake. Or else. Or a pizza pie. And cookies. And send us flowers. And you better give me a haircut while I'm waiting. And take some photos. Or else. And forget your heterosexual student clubs and dating services, and as for your teachings on morality, we've decided to ban them. Oh yeah, and did we tell you? You're going to print us some t-shirts and then host our wedding! Yup. Even on your church property. And we want a parade, and you're going to provide security too." See more at kgov.com/homosexuals.