debates callers

Pro-abort Fred Draws Straws, Gets Bob

* U.S. Liberals Calling Us About Abortion: Bob airs his recording of a call from "Fred" who phoned the BEL offices minutes before airtime. And Ken Scott joined Bob to talk about all the great opportunities generated from the pro-aborts calling them and a few of Bob's dear friends including Leslie Hanks, Jo Scott, Scott from Loveland, Cliff Powell, Terry Sullivan (one of the original Freedom Riders from the Civil Rights Movement) and Beau Ballentine.

Rerun: Caller Supports Killer Repubs

* Brief Discussion of Execution and Monetary Policy: is followed by a debate with a caller on morality and political strategy. (Summary: Jim is upset with Bob Enyart because Ken Buck kills some children.)

Caller Debates War Principles vs Cliches

* Debating the Rules for Justifiable War: Dave from Denver and Bob Enyart debate the rules by which men can know whether a war is justifiable.

Jim from Denver Upset about Katrina

Special Edition of Real Science Radio

* Jim from Denver Upset at Bob over Katrina: Is angry at Bob Enyart and Doug McBurney for saying that Hurricane Katrina was not a judgment from God but a random storm. Christians often confuse superstition with spiritual maturity. God does not crash cars and planes in order to show how loving He is by saving some of the passengers. God is not a Bible version of the pagan Zeus who hit people with lightning bolts, for if that were true, the evidence is that lightning rods have ruined that kind of divine aim.

* Scurvy and Plane Crashes: And if a sailor broke out with scurvy because as punishment for his wayward life, then the vitamin C in a lime now prevents divine retribution. When God actually does miracles, like the parting of the Red Sea, restoring sight to the blind, and the raising of Lazarus, even unbelievers acknowledge the miracles. Today, alleged miracles are claimed by true believers only. Drunk drivers often survive while killing innocent young victims, and research would show that Christian passengers have no greater survival rate than atheists in plane crashes. If a plane came straight down at a thousand miles an hour and was demolished, and four hundred passengers survived standing unhurt at the crash site, that would be a miracle. God can do miracles, but the "miracles" flippantly claimed by so many discredit the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And what's worse, those who speak for God without authority and wrongly attribute murder, disaster, and judgments to God are ignoring the warnings against such in Scripture and instead are behaving like Job's accusers Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, and like the religiously superstitious men whom the Lord corrected in Luke 13:1-5.

Chris- I AM the standard, God is the Problem

* Chris from Littleton: calls in to defend Barack Obama. Bob asks him to identify his standard, and Chris reveals that it is he, himself. And worse, he then indicts God as the problem...

* Enyart Predictions on Obama Presidency: Fred Barnes predicts in today's Wall Street Journal that under Barack Obama we will get "massive spending programs," "the Fairness Doctrine to stifle conservative talk radio, liberal judicial nominees... retreat from Iraq," and "talks with Iran." Bob points out that with Republicans, and especially with McCain, we get massive spending programs and liberal judges, and Bob predicts that Obama will NOT bring about the Fairness Doctrine, nor will he retreat counterproductively from Iraq (Bush himself signed an Iraqi agreement for a pull-out), nor abandon the war on terror, nor talk with Iran. Of course Bob is not a prophet. These are just predictions from his perspective which is not clouded by fear of the bogyman, nor allegiance to the increasingly godless Republican Party.

Leading libertarian admits Ron Paul is pro-choice state-by-state

* MO Libertarian Party Candidate Kevin Craig Admits the Truth: [This interview resulted from yesterday's BEL program.] A libertarian party candidate running for a U.S. House seat in Missouri, Kevin Craig, admits the obvious truth on Bob Enyart Live, that Ron Paul would allow the states to continue the killing of unborn children.

Bob Debates Ron Paul Supporters

* Mark from Wheat Ridge CO: strongly supported libertarian Ron Paul but had a very hard time defending Ron Paul's willingness to tolerate child killing.