libertarian party

Michelle McIntyre Debates States' Rights

* Do States have the Authority to Decriminalize Murder: Michelle McIntyre of LifeofTheParty discusses Ron Paul's philosophy that the federal government should be tolerant of the states decriminalizing the murder of children. From Bob's notes:

Leading libertarian admits Ron Paul is pro-choice state-by-state

* MO Libertarian Party Candidate Kevin Craig Admits the Truth: [This interview resulted from yesterday's BEL program.] A libertarian party candidate running for a U.S. House seat in Missouri, Kevin Craig, admits the obvious truth on Bob Enyart Live, that Ron Paul would allow the states to continue the killing of unborn children.

U.S. Congressional Libertarian Candidate Criticizes Enyart

* Jerry Borysiewicz Letter to the News: The Rocky Mountain News printed the letter of a Lakewood Colorado man, Jerry Borysiewicz, who used no evidence and circular reasoning to defend his view that the government should allow the slaughter of unborn children up until the moment of birth.